Section 1
1, 2Step out right , cross behind with left (grapevine)
&, 3Hop on right foot, kick Left heel out
& ,4Hop on left foot, Cross right in front of left
5, 6Step rock left, recover right
7&8Cross left behind, step out right, cross left in front (weave step)
Section 2
1, 2Step rock right, recover left
3&4(Sailor step) rock behind right, recover left, step out right
5&6(Coaster turn) Step back ¼ turn left into a ¼, step back right. Step forward left.
7&8Step right, heel swivel out and back
Section 3
1&2Step left, heel swivel out and back
3, 4Step forward right, step out left.
5&6Heels in, toes in, feet together
7, 8Body roll
Section 4
1&2Right heel kick out, hop on right, left heel kick out
3, 4Left toe back, Pivot turn 180
5, 6Step forward right, forward left
7&8Step right into a 360 degree spin
Last Update - 19 Oct. 2021
1, 2Step out right , cross behind with left (grapevine)
&, 3Hop on right foot, kick Left heel out
& ,4Hop on left foot, Cross right in front of left
5, 6Step rock left, recover right
7&8Cross left behind, step out right, cross left in front (weave step)
Section 2
1, 2Step rock right, recover left
3&4(Sailor step) rock behind right, recover left, step out right
5&6(Coaster turn) Step back ¼ turn left into a ¼, step back right. Step forward left.
7&8Step right, heel swivel out and back
Section 3
1&2Step left, heel swivel out and back
3, 4Step forward right, step out left.
5&6Heels in, toes in, feet together
7, 8Body roll
Section 4
1&2Right heel kick out, hop on right, left heel kick out
3, 4Left toe back, Pivot turn 180
5, 6Step forward right, forward left
7&8Step right into a 360 degree spin
Last Update - 19 Oct. 2021