Intro: 16 counts when the beat starts
Cross Point R/L Double Touches
1-4Step R fwd. Touch L to side, touch L to R, touch to L
5-8Step L fwd. touch R to L, touch R to L, touch to R
Jazz Box, moving back
1-4Step R over L, step back L, step back on R, step back on L
5-8Step R over L, step back L, step back on R, step back on L
Scissor, R/L
1-4Step to R side, step on L, cross R over L and hold
5-8Step to L side, step on R, cross L over R and hold
Vine R/L, turning ¼ R, Walk Back R, L, R, L
1-4Step R, L behind R, step R turning ¼ R, step on L
5-8Step back R/L/R/L
That's it! No Tags. On Wall 8, you have to count to keep up with the music. The music sort of gets quiet.
Contact: mygeo@adamswells.com
Last Update - 20 Oct. 2021
Cross Point R/L Double Touches
1-4Step R fwd. Touch L to side, touch L to R, touch to L
5-8Step L fwd. touch R to L, touch R to L, touch to R
Jazz Box, moving back
1-4Step R over L, step back L, step back on R, step back on L
5-8Step R over L, step back L, step back on R, step back on L
Scissor, R/L
1-4Step to R side, step on L, cross R over L and hold
5-8Step to L side, step on R, cross L over R and hold
Vine R/L, turning ¼ R, Walk Back R, L, R, L
1-4Step R, L behind R, step R turning ¼ R, step on L
5-8Step back R/L/R/L
That's it! No Tags. On Wall 8, you have to count to keep up with the music. The music sort of gets quiet.
Contact: mygeo@adamswells.com
Last Update - 20 Oct. 2021