Intro : 16 counts
S1 - Shuffle Forward, Mambo Forward, Coaster, Diag, Touch and Clap×2
1&2Step R fwd(1), Step L next to R(&), Step R fwd(2)
3&4Rock L fwd(3), Recover weight back onto R(&), Step L back(4)
5&6Step R back(5), Step L Together(&), Step R fwd(6)
7&8Step L diagonally fwd(7), Touch R beside L and Clap(&), Clap(8)
S2 - Point side-touch-side, Sailor, Behind, Side, Cross, Side, Touch and Clap×2
1&2Point R to right side(1), Touch R next to L(&), Point R to right side(2)
3&4Cross R behind L(3), Step L to left side(&), Step R to right side(4)
5&6Cross L behind R(5), Step R to right side(&), Cross L over R(6)
7&8Step R to right side(7), Touch L beside R and clap(&), Clap(8)
※ Restart 1 (9:00) : On Wall 4 after 16counts(Don't touch L at the count &. Step)
S3 - Step Back, Rock-Recover, Walk Back and Popping Knee, Coaster and Sweep
1&2Step L back(1), Rock R fwd(&), Recover weight fwd onto L(2)
3&4Step R back(3), Rock L fwd(&), Recover weight fwd onto R(4)
※ Restart 2 (6:00) : On Wall 8 after 20counts(Add (&) : Step L fwd)
5-6Step L back and Popping R Knee(5), Step R back and Popping L Knee(6)
7&8Step L back(7), Step R Together(&), Step L fwd and Sweep R fwd(8)
S4 - Cross, Side, Behind and Sweep, Coaster, ¾ Walk around
1&2Cross R over L(1), Step L to left side(&), Cross R behind L and Sweep L back(2)
3&4Step L back(3), Step R Together(&), Step L fwd(4)
5-8Walk around stepping R, L, R, L whilst making a ¾ over L shoulder(3:00)
Note :
Restart.1 - on Wall 4 after 16counts (9o'clock wall)(Don't touch L at the count &. Step)
Restart.2 - on Wall 8 after 20counts (6o'clock wall)(Add (&) : Step L fwd)
Tag : after wall 2(6:00) & 6(3:00) - 2 count (Walk or Together)
1-2R fwd(1), L Together or walk(2)(*Option : Clap)
Enjoy line dancing to exciting songs. Now is the time to have dancing.
Would you like to dance with me?
Grace Queen
Email : snowing070@gmail.com
Youtube : http://www.youtube.com/user/snowing070
Please subscribe and like
S1 - Shuffle Forward, Mambo Forward, Coaster, Diag, Touch and Clap×2
1&2Step R fwd(1), Step L next to R(&), Step R fwd(2)
3&4Rock L fwd(3), Recover weight back onto R(&), Step L back(4)
5&6Step R back(5), Step L Together(&), Step R fwd(6)
7&8Step L diagonally fwd(7), Touch R beside L and Clap(&), Clap(8)
S2 - Point side-touch-side, Sailor, Behind, Side, Cross, Side, Touch and Clap×2
1&2Point R to right side(1), Touch R next to L(&), Point R to right side(2)
3&4Cross R behind L(3), Step L to left side(&), Step R to right side(4)
5&6Cross L behind R(5), Step R to right side(&), Cross L over R(6)
7&8Step R to right side(7), Touch L beside R and clap(&), Clap(8)
※ Restart 1 (9:00) : On Wall 4 after 16counts(Don't touch L at the count &. Step)
S3 - Step Back, Rock-Recover, Walk Back and Popping Knee, Coaster and Sweep
1&2Step L back(1), Rock R fwd(&), Recover weight fwd onto L(2)
3&4Step R back(3), Rock L fwd(&), Recover weight fwd onto R(4)
※ Restart 2 (6:00) : On Wall 8 after 20counts(Add (&) : Step L fwd)
5-6Step L back and Popping R Knee(5), Step R back and Popping L Knee(6)
7&8Step L back(7), Step R Together(&), Step L fwd and Sweep R fwd(8)
S4 - Cross, Side, Behind and Sweep, Coaster, ¾ Walk around
1&2Cross R over L(1), Step L to left side(&), Cross R behind L and Sweep L back(2)
3&4Step L back(3), Step R Together(&), Step L fwd(4)
5-8Walk around stepping R, L, R, L whilst making a ¾ over L shoulder(3:00)
Note :
Restart.1 - on Wall 4 after 16counts (9o'clock wall)(Don't touch L at the count &. Step)
Restart.2 - on Wall 8 after 20counts (6o'clock wall)(Add (&) : Step L fwd)
Tag : after wall 2(6:00) & 6(3:00) - 2 count (Walk or Together)
1-2R fwd(1), L Together or walk(2)(*Option : Clap)
Enjoy line dancing to exciting songs. Now is the time to have dancing.
Would you like to dance with me?
Grace Queen
Email : snowing070@gmail.com
Youtube : http://www.youtube.com/user/snowing070
Please subscribe and like