Phrased Advanced
Intro: 32 counts, approx. 15 seconds, starting on the word "checking".
Sequence: A - B - B - Tag1 - A - B - B - B - A(32) - Tag2 - B - B - B - Ending
A - 1: Side. Touch-Ball-Step. Side. Behind-Side-Cross. Heel Bounce ½ Unwind.
1 - 2(1) Step to the right on R. (2) Touch L next to R.
& 3 - 4(&) Ball step L next to R. (3) Step forward on R. (4) Step to the left on L.
5 & 6(5) Step R behind L. (&) Step to the left on L. (6) Cross R over L.
7 - 8(7) Bounce heels turning ¼ L. (8) Bounce heels turning ¼ L placing weight on L. {6:00}
A - 2: Side. Sailor Step. Behind. Chasse ¼ Turn. Step ½ Turn.
1 - 2(1) Step to the right on R. (2) Step L behind R.
& 3 - 4(&) Step slightly to the right on R. (3) Step to the left on L. (4) Step R behind L.
5 & 6(5 & 6) Chasse ¼ turn L stepping L, R, L. {3:00}
7 - 8(7) Step forward on R. (8) Turn ½ L placing weight on L. {9:00}
A - 3: ½ Sweep. ¼ Sweep. Back with Drag. Walk Forward L, R.
1 - 2(1) Turn ½ L stepping back on R, start sweeping L from front to back. (2) Finish sweeping L. {3:00}
3 - 4(3) Step back on L turning ¼ R, start sweeping R from front to back. (4) Finish sweeping R. {6:00}
5 - 6(5) Step back on R, start dragging L towards R. (6) Finish dragging L.
7 - 8(7, 8) Walk forward L, R.
A - 4: Slow Step ½ Turn. Hold. Synchopated Side Rock. Weave Right.
1 - 2(1) Step forward on L. (2) Start turning ½ R. {12:00}
3 - 4(3) Finish turning ½ R placing weight on R. (4) Hold.
& 5 - 6(&) Ball rock to the left on L. (5) Recover on R. (6) Cross L over R.
7 - 8(7) Step to the right on R. (8) Step L behind R.
- Tag 2 occurs here at wall 8 -
A - 5: Ball-Cross Rock. Ball-Cross. Back. Coaster Step. Stomp. Hold.
& 1 - 2(&) Ball step R next to L. (1) Cross rock L over R. (2) Recover on R.
& 3 - 4(&) Ball step L next to R. (3) Cross R over L. (4) Step back on L.
5 & 6(5 & 6) Coaster step on R, L, R.
7 - 8(7) Stomp forward on L. (8) Hold.
A - 6: Monterey ½ Turn. Synchopated Side Rock. Cross. Chasse ¼ Turn Left. Rock Back.
1 - 2(1) Point to the right with R. (2) Turn ½ R closing R next to L. {6:00}
& 3 - 4(&) Ball rock to the left on L. (3) Recover on R. (4) Cross L over R.
5 & 6(5) Step to the right on R. (&) Close L next to R. (6) Turn ¼ L stepping back on R. {3:00}
7 - 8(7) Rock back on L, prepping upper body to the left. (8) Recover on R.
A - 7: Full Spiral Turn. Step with Sweep. Weave Right.
1 - 2(1) Step forward on L, starting to make a full spiral turn R. (2) Finish making the full spiral turn.
3 - 4(3) Step forward on R, start sweeping L from back to front. (4) Finish sweeping L.
5 - 6(5) Cross L over R. (6) Step to the right on R.
7 - 8(7) Step L behind R. (8) Step to the right on R.
A - 8: Diagonal Rock Forward. Hold. 1/8 Ball-Cross. ¼ Back. ¼ Forward. ½ Back.
1 - 2(1) Turn 1/8 R rocking forward on L, start making a small body roll forward. {4:30}(2) Finish making body roll.
3 - 4(3) Recover on R. (4) Hold.
& 5 - 6(&) Ball step L next to R, turning 1/8 L. (5) Cross R over L. (6) Turn ¼ R stepping back on L. {6:00}
7 - 8(7) Turn ¼ R stepping forward on R. (8) Turn ½ R stepping back on L. {3:00}
A - 9: ¼ Side, Lift L Hand. Lift R Hand. Jazz Box with Cross.
1 - 2(1) Turn ¼ R stepping to the right on R, start lifting L hand in the air with palm facing up. {6:00}(2) Finish lifting L hand.
3 - 4(3) Place weight on L, pull down L hand and start lifting R hand in the air with palm facing up.(4) Finish lifting R hand.
5 - 6(5) Pull down R hand crossing R over L. (6) Step back on L.
7 - 8(7) Step to the right on R. (8) Cross L over R.
A - 10: Hand Movements while doing: Side, Leaning R, L. Walk Back R, L. Rock Back. Recover with Hitch.
1 - 2(1) Step to the right on R. (2) Lean to the right.
3 - 4(3) Step to the left on L and straighten body. (4) Lean to the left,
5 - 6(5, 6) Walk back on R, L.
7 - 8(7) Rock back on R. (8) Recover on L, hitching R forward.
Hand Movements
1 - 2(1) Push L hand forward. (2) Keep L hand straight out and move it anti-clockwise to the left side.
3 - 4(3) Drop L hand, and push R hand forward.(4) Keep R hand straight out and move it clockwise to the right side.
5 - 6(5) Drop R hand and stretch L hand slightly down and out to the left.(6) Stretch R hand slightly down and out to the right.
7 - 8(7) Bring both hands together at the center of your chest, as if you are making a prayer. (8) Bring both hands up in the sky, forming them into fists.
B - 1: Hand Movements while doing: Stomp Side. Hold. Walk Forward L, R. Side. Together. Walk Back L, R.
1 - 2(1) Stomp to the right on R. (2) Hold.
3 - 4(3, 4) Walk forward on L, R.
5 - 6(5) Step to the left on L. (6) Close R next to L.
7 - 8(7, 8) Walk back on L, R.
Hand Movements
1 - 2(1) Throw hands down to sides next to thighs, still formed into fists. (2) Keep hands next to thighs.
3 - 4(3) Keeping hands as fists, cross arms in front of chest a little bit away from your body.(4) Bring arms out to sides and elbows bent 90 degrees with fists up, showing that you are strong!
5 - 6(5) Lower L hand towards center of chest keeping elbow to the side,palm facing down and fingers pointing R.(6) Lower R hand towards center of chest keeping elbow to the side,palm facing down, fingers pointing L and R hand over L.
7 - 8(7) Roll hands forward. (8) Pull both arms back forming hands into fists, keeping them in waist height.
B - 2: Step Back with Low Kick and Hand Movements. Step. Hold. Ball. Rock Forward. ½ Step. Step.
1 - 2(1) Step back on L, lifting R slightly from the ground and throw both hands up in the sky with palms facing up.(2) Keep hands in the sky and R lifted from the ground.
3 - 4(3) Step down on R, throwing both hands down. (4) Hold.
& 5 - 6(&) Ball step L next to R. (5) Rock forward on R. (6) Recover on L.
7 - 8(7) Turn ½ R stepping forward on R. (8) Slightly step forward on L. {12:00}
B - 3: Hand Movements while doing: Side, Point. Side, Point. Side Rock. Behind. Side.
1 - 2(1) Step to the right on R. (2) Point to the left with L.
3 - 4(3) Step to the left on L. (4) Point to the right with R.
5 - 6(5) Rock to the right on R. (6) Recover on L.
7 - 8(7) Step R behind L. (8) Step to the left on L.
Hand Movements
1 - 2(1) Bring R arm up with hand open.(2) Pull R arm down, placing elbow at chest level and hand still up as you close fist.
3 - 4(3) Bring L arm up with hand open.(4) Pull L arm down, placing elbow at chest level and hand still up as you close fist.
5 - 6(5) Bring both hands slightly out to sides opening R hand with palm facing up and fingers pointing out. Keep L hand as a fist. (6) Bring both hands together, placing L fist into palm of R hand. R hand fingers pointing up.
7 - 8(7, 8) Keep hands in the same position.
B - 4: Step Forward with Hitch and Hand Movement. Step with Clap. Hold. Back. ½ Step. Step ½ Turn with Hitch.
1 - 2(1) Step forward on R, hitching L forward and start bringing hands out to the sides, palms facing in with elbows bent. (2) Keep L knee in the air and continue bringing hands out to the sides.
3 - 4(3) Step down on L, clapping both hands forward. (4) Hold.
5 - 6(5) Step back on R. (6) Turn ½ L stepping forward on L. {6:00}
7 - 8(7) Step forward on R. (8) Turn ½ L placing weight on L, {12:00} hitching R and bring both hands up in the sky, forming them into fists.
* You will always do the hitch with hands up in the sky when a B-part goes into another B-part.
If you go from B to Tag or B to A you will not do the hitch with hands. *
- Tag 1 occurs here after wall 3 facing 6'00 -
Tag - 1: Slow Step ½ Turn.
1(1) Step forward on R. {6:00}
2 - 4(2, 3, 4) Slowly turn ½ L and place weight on L at count 4. {12:00}
Tag - 2: ¼ Step. ¼ Sweep. Cross. Hitch.
1 - 2(1) Turn ¼ R stepping forward on R. (2) Sweep L from back to front turning ¼ to the right. {6:00}
3 - 4(3) Cross L over R. (4) Hitch R and bring both hands up in the sky, forming them into fists.
Ending: Step to the right on R, bringing hands down and slowly out to the sides.
Have fun!
Sequence: A - B - B - Tag1 - A - B - B - B - A(32) - Tag2 - B - B - B - Ending
A - 1: Side. Touch-Ball-Step. Side. Behind-Side-Cross. Heel Bounce ½ Unwind.
1 - 2(1) Step to the right on R. (2) Touch L next to R.
& 3 - 4(&) Ball step L next to R. (3) Step forward on R. (4) Step to the left on L.
5 & 6(5) Step R behind L. (&) Step to the left on L. (6) Cross R over L.
7 - 8(7) Bounce heels turning ¼ L. (8) Bounce heels turning ¼ L placing weight on L. {6:00}
A - 2: Side. Sailor Step. Behind. Chasse ¼ Turn. Step ½ Turn.
1 - 2(1) Step to the right on R. (2) Step L behind R.
& 3 - 4(&) Step slightly to the right on R. (3) Step to the left on L. (4) Step R behind L.
5 & 6(5 & 6) Chasse ¼ turn L stepping L, R, L. {3:00}
7 - 8(7) Step forward on R. (8) Turn ½ L placing weight on L. {9:00}
A - 3: ½ Sweep. ¼ Sweep. Back with Drag. Walk Forward L, R.
1 - 2(1) Turn ½ L stepping back on R, start sweeping L from front to back. (2) Finish sweeping L. {3:00}
3 - 4(3) Step back on L turning ¼ R, start sweeping R from front to back. (4) Finish sweeping R. {6:00}
5 - 6(5) Step back on R, start dragging L towards R. (6) Finish dragging L.
7 - 8(7, 8) Walk forward L, R.
A - 4: Slow Step ½ Turn. Hold. Synchopated Side Rock. Weave Right.
1 - 2(1) Step forward on L. (2) Start turning ½ R. {12:00}
3 - 4(3) Finish turning ½ R placing weight on R. (4) Hold.
& 5 - 6(&) Ball rock to the left on L. (5) Recover on R. (6) Cross L over R.
7 - 8(7) Step to the right on R. (8) Step L behind R.
- Tag 2 occurs here at wall 8 -
A - 5: Ball-Cross Rock. Ball-Cross. Back. Coaster Step. Stomp. Hold.
& 1 - 2(&) Ball step R next to L. (1) Cross rock L over R. (2) Recover on R.
& 3 - 4(&) Ball step L next to R. (3) Cross R over L. (4) Step back on L.
5 & 6(5 & 6) Coaster step on R, L, R.
7 - 8(7) Stomp forward on L. (8) Hold.
A - 6: Monterey ½ Turn. Synchopated Side Rock. Cross. Chasse ¼ Turn Left. Rock Back.
1 - 2(1) Point to the right with R. (2) Turn ½ R closing R next to L. {6:00}
& 3 - 4(&) Ball rock to the left on L. (3) Recover on R. (4) Cross L over R.
5 & 6(5) Step to the right on R. (&) Close L next to R. (6) Turn ¼ L stepping back on R. {3:00}
7 - 8(7) Rock back on L, prepping upper body to the left. (8) Recover on R.
A - 7: Full Spiral Turn. Step with Sweep. Weave Right.
1 - 2(1) Step forward on L, starting to make a full spiral turn R. (2) Finish making the full spiral turn.
3 - 4(3) Step forward on R, start sweeping L from back to front. (4) Finish sweeping L.
5 - 6(5) Cross L over R. (6) Step to the right on R.
7 - 8(7) Step L behind R. (8) Step to the right on R.
A - 8: Diagonal Rock Forward. Hold. 1/8 Ball-Cross. ¼ Back. ¼ Forward. ½ Back.
1 - 2(1) Turn 1/8 R rocking forward on L, start making a small body roll forward. {4:30}(2) Finish making body roll.
3 - 4(3) Recover on R. (4) Hold.
& 5 - 6(&) Ball step L next to R, turning 1/8 L. (5) Cross R over L. (6) Turn ¼ R stepping back on L. {6:00}
7 - 8(7) Turn ¼ R stepping forward on R. (8) Turn ½ R stepping back on L. {3:00}
A - 9: ¼ Side, Lift L Hand. Lift R Hand. Jazz Box with Cross.
1 - 2(1) Turn ¼ R stepping to the right on R, start lifting L hand in the air with palm facing up. {6:00}(2) Finish lifting L hand.
3 - 4(3) Place weight on L, pull down L hand and start lifting R hand in the air with palm facing up.(4) Finish lifting R hand.
5 - 6(5) Pull down R hand crossing R over L. (6) Step back on L.
7 - 8(7) Step to the right on R. (8) Cross L over R.
A - 10: Hand Movements while doing: Side, Leaning R, L. Walk Back R, L. Rock Back. Recover with Hitch.
1 - 2(1) Step to the right on R. (2) Lean to the right.
3 - 4(3) Step to the left on L and straighten body. (4) Lean to the left,
5 - 6(5, 6) Walk back on R, L.
7 - 8(7) Rock back on R. (8) Recover on L, hitching R forward.
Hand Movements
1 - 2(1) Push L hand forward. (2) Keep L hand straight out and move it anti-clockwise to the left side.
3 - 4(3) Drop L hand, and push R hand forward.(4) Keep R hand straight out and move it clockwise to the right side.
5 - 6(5) Drop R hand and stretch L hand slightly down and out to the left.(6) Stretch R hand slightly down and out to the right.
7 - 8(7) Bring both hands together at the center of your chest, as if you are making a prayer. (8) Bring both hands up in the sky, forming them into fists.
B - 1: Hand Movements while doing: Stomp Side. Hold. Walk Forward L, R. Side. Together. Walk Back L, R.
1 - 2(1) Stomp to the right on R. (2) Hold.
3 - 4(3, 4) Walk forward on L, R.
5 - 6(5) Step to the left on L. (6) Close R next to L.
7 - 8(7, 8) Walk back on L, R.
Hand Movements
1 - 2(1) Throw hands down to sides next to thighs, still formed into fists. (2) Keep hands next to thighs.
3 - 4(3) Keeping hands as fists, cross arms in front of chest a little bit away from your body.(4) Bring arms out to sides and elbows bent 90 degrees with fists up, showing that you are strong!
5 - 6(5) Lower L hand towards center of chest keeping elbow to the side,palm facing down and fingers pointing R.(6) Lower R hand towards center of chest keeping elbow to the side,palm facing down, fingers pointing L and R hand over L.
7 - 8(7) Roll hands forward. (8) Pull both arms back forming hands into fists, keeping them in waist height.
B - 2: Step Back with Low Kick and Hand Movements. Step. Hold. Ball. Rock Forward. ½ Step. Step.
1 - 2(1) Step back on L, lifting R slightly from the ground and throw both hands up in the sky with palms facing up.(2) Keep hands in the sky and R lifted from the ground.
3 - 4(3) Step down on R, throwing both hands down. (4) Hold.
& 5 - 6(&) Ball step L next to R. (5) Rock forward on R. (6) Recover on L.
7 - 8(7) Turn ½ R stepping forward on R. (8) Slightly step forward on L. {12:00}
B - 3: Hand Movements while doing: Side, Point. Side, Point. Side Rock. Behind. Side.
1 - 2(1) Step to the right on R. (2) Point to the left with L.
3 - 4(3) Step to the left on L. (4) Point to the right with R.
5 - 6(5) Rock to the right on R. (6) Recover on L.
7 - 8(7) Step R behind L. (8) Step to the left on L.
Hand Movements
1 - 2(1) Bring R arm up with hand open.(2) Pull R arm down, placing elbow at chest level and hand still up as you close fist.
3 - 4(3) Bring L arm up with hand open.(4) Pull L arm down, placing elbow at chest level and hand still up as you close fist.
5 - 6(5) Bring both hands slightly out to sides opening R hand with palm facing up and fingers pointing out. Keep L hand as a fist. (6) Bring both hands together, placing L fist into palm of R hand. R hand fingers pointing up.
7 - 8(7, 8) Keep hands in the same position.
B - 4: Step Forward with Hitch and Hand Movement. Step with Clap. Hold. Back. ½ Step. Step ½ Turn with Hitch.
1 - 2(1) Step forward on R, hitching L forward and start bringing hands out to the sides, palms facing in with elbows bent. (2) Keep L knee in the air and continue bringing hands out to the sides.
3 - 4(3) Step down on L, clapping both hands forward. (4) Hold.
5 - 6(5) Step back on R. (6) Turn ½ L stepping forward on L. {6:00}
7 - 8(7) Step forward on R. (8) Turn ½ L placing weight on L, {12:00} hitching R and bring both hands up in the sky, forming them into fists.
* You will always do the hitch with hands up in the sky when a B-part goes into another B-part.
If you go from B to Tag or B to A you will not do the hitch with hands. *
- Tag 1 occurs here after wall 3 facing 6'00 -
Tag - 1: Slow Step ½ Turn.
1(1) Step forward on R. {6:00}
2 - 4(2, 3, 4) Slowly turn ½ L and place weight on L at count 4. {12:00}
Tag - 2: ¼ Step. ¼ Sweep. Cross. Hitch.
1 - 2(1) Turn ¼ R stepping forward on R. (2) Sweep L from back to front turning ¼ to the right. {6:00}
3 - 4(3) Cross L over R. (4) Hitch R and bring both hands up in the sky, forming them into fists.
Ending: Step to the right on R, bringing hands down and slowly out to the sides.
Have fun!