Beginner - Chair dance
Intro: 16 count (Seated with 4 wall variation)
Heel, cross, heel, touch, forward touch, back step.
1,2,3,4Right heel forward, cross right over left, right heel forward, touch right next to left.
5,6,7,8Step right forward, touch left next to right, step left back, step right next to left.
Heel, cross, heel, touch, forward touch, back step.
1,2,3,4Left heel forward, cross left over right, left heel forward, touch left next to right.
5,6,7,8Step left forward, touch right next to left, step right back, step left next to right.
V step with touch.
1,2,3,4Step right out, step left out, step right back, touch left next to right.
V step with touch.
5,6,7,8Step left out, step right out, step left back, touch right next to left.
Side touch, side touch, side touch, side touch.
1,2,3,4Step right to side, touch left next to right, step left to side, touch right next to left.
5,6,7,8Step right to side, touch left next to right, step left to side, touch right next to left.
Four wall dance variation:
Last four counts:
5,6,7,8Turn ¼ right stepping right to side, touch left next to right, step left to side, touch right next to left.
Heel, cross, heel, touch, forward touch, back step.
1,2,3,4Right heel forward, cross right over left, right heel forward, touch right next to left.
5,6,7,8Step right forward, touch left next to right, step left back, step right next to left.
Heel, cross, heel, touch, forward touch, back step.
1,2,3,4Left heel forward, cross left over right, left heel forward, touch left next to right.
5,6,7,8Step left forward, touch right next to left, step right back, step left next to right.
V step with touch.
1,2,3,4Step right out, step left out, step right back, touch left next to right.
V step with touch.
5,6,7,8Step left out, step right out, step left back, touch right next to left.
Side touch, side touch, side touch, side touch.
1,2,3,4Step right to side, touch left next to right, step left to side, touch right next to left.
5,6,7,8Step right to side, touch left next to right, step left to side, touch right next to left.
Four wall dance variation:
Last four counts:
5,6,7,8Turn ¼ right stepping right to side, touch left next to right, step left to side, touch right next to left.