Phrased High Beginner
Dance Sequence: A, A, B, B, A, A, C, C, C, C, A, A, B, B, B, B, C, C, C, C, C, C, Hold, B, B, B, B, C, C, C, C
Part A: 32 counts
Section 1: Vine Right, Touch, Side, Touch
1-2Step right to right side, Cross left behind right
3-4Step right to right side, Touch left next to right
5-6Step left to left side, Touch right next to left
7-8Step right to right side, Touch left next to right
Section 2: Vine Left, Touch, Side, Touch
1-2Step left to left side, Cross right behind left
3-4Step left to left side, Touch right next to left
5-6Step right to right side, Touch left next to right
7-8Step left to left side, Touch right next to left
Section 3: K Step
1-2Step right to right front diagonal, Touch left beside right
3-4Step left to left back diagonal, Touch right beside left
5-6Step right to right back diagonal, Touch left beside right
7-8Step left to left front diagonal, Touch right beside left
Section 4: V-Step, Heel Step
1-2Step right to right diagonal, step left to left
3-4Step right back, step left beside right
5-6Touch right heel diagonal forward to right, Right back to side left
7-8Touch left heel diagonal forward to left, Left back to side right
Part B: 16 counts
Section 1: Diagonal Lock Step, Brush, Diagonal Lock Step, Brush
1-2Step right diagonal forward, Step left behind right
3-4Step right diagonal forward, Brush left forward
5-6Step left diagonal forward, Step right behind left
7-8Step left diagonal forward, Brush right forward
Section 2: Jazz Box
1-2Cross right over left, Hold
3-4Step back on left, Hold
5-6Step right to right side, Hold
7-8Step forward on left, Hold
Part C: 16 counts
Section 1: Point, Touch, Hand Movements
1-2Point right to right, Touch right next to left with Hand Movements
3-4Point left to left, Touch right next to left with Hand Movements
5-6Point right to right, Touch right next to left with Hand Movements
7-8Point left to left, Touch right next to left with Hand Movements
Section 2: Point, Touch, Hand Movements
1-2Point right to right, Touch right next to left with Hand Movements
3-4Point left to left, Touch right next to left with Hand Movements
5-6Point right to right, Touch right next to left with Hand Movements
7-8Point left to left, Touch right next to left with Hand Movements
Have Fun and Enjoy
Part A: 32 counts
Section 1: Vine Right, Touch, Side, Touch
1-2Step right to right side, Cross left behind right
3-4Step right to right side, Touch left next to right
5-6Step left to left side, Touch right next to left
7-8Step right to right side, Touch left next to right
Section 2: Vine Left, Touch, Side, Touch
1-2Step left to left side, Cross right behind left
3-4Step left to left side, Touch right next to left
5-6Step right to right side, Touch left next to right
7-8Step left to left side, Touch right next to left
Section 3: K Step
1-2Step right to right front diagonal, Touch left beside right
3-4Step left to left back diagonal, Touch right beside left
5-6Step right to right back diagonal, Touch left beside right
7-8Step left to left front diagonal, Touch right beside left
Section 4: V-Step, Heel Step
1-2Step right to right diagonal, step left to left
3-4Step right back, step left beside right
5-6Touch right heel diagonal forward to right, Right back to side left
7-8Touch left heel diagonal forward to left, Left back to side right
Part B: 16 counts
Section 1: Diagonal Lock Step, Brush, Diagonal Lock Step, Brush
1-2Step right diagonal forward, Step left behind right
3-4Step right diagonal forward, Brush left forward
5-6Step left diagonal forward, Step right behind left
7-8Step left diagonal forward, Brush right forward
Section 2: Jazz Box
1-2Cross right over left, Hold
3-4Step back on left, Hold
5-6Step right to right side, Hold
7-8Step forward on left, Hold
Part C: 16 counts
Section 1: Point, Touch, Hand Movements
1-2Point right to right, Touch right next to left with Hand Movements
3-4Point left to left, Touch right next to left with Hand Movements
5-6Point right to right, Touch right next to left with Hand Movements
7-8Point left to left, Touch right next to left with Hand Movements
Section 2: Point, Touch, Hand Movements
1-2Point right to right, Touch right next to left with Hand Movements
3-4Point left to left, Touch right next to left with Hand Movements
5-6Point right to right, Touch right next to left with Hand Movements
7-8Point left to left, Touch right next to left with Hand Movements
Have Fun and Enjoy