CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Hands Up Like This

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Elaine Cook (CAN), Rob Fowler (ES) & I.C.E. (ES) - 14 August 2021
Hands up Like This - ZOA
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Intro: 32 Counts - approx 16 secs (Start dance on right diagonal)

S1: Diag R Rock, Recover & Heel, Hold, & Step R, Pivot ½ L, Touch R with Hip Bumps
1,2,&3,4On R diagonal (1:30) rock R forward, recover L, step R side 1/8 left (straightening up to 12:00), touch L heel forward, hold 12:00
&5,6Step L back, step R forward, make ½ turn L (weight forward on L) 6:00
7&8Touch R to R side and bumps hips up & down (keep weight L)
(optional: snap fingers raising right hand up and down)
S2: Cross R, Hold, Syncopated Vine with Cross, Side Rock, Recover, Behind, Side, Forward 1/8 R
1,2Cross R over L, hold
&3&4Step L side, step R behind L, step L side, cross R over L
5,6Rock L side, recover R
7&8Step L behind R, step R side, step forward L turning 1/8 right 7:30
S3: Step R, Touch L, Back L, Touch R, Back R, Touch L, Touch L Behind, Unwind ½ L, R Toe Taps
1,2,&3&4Staying on diagonal step R forward, touch L beside R, step L back, touch R beside L, step R back, touch L beside R
5,6Touch L toe behind R, unwind ½ turn left (weight forward on L) 1:30
7&8Tap R toe out to R side, tap R toe in towards L, tap R toe next to L
S4: R Heel, Hold, & L Heel, Hold, L Jazz Box with Brush
1,2,&3,4Still on diagonal touch R heel forward, hold, step R back, touch L heel forward, hold
5,6,7,8Cross L over R, step R back, step L side, brush R forward
Start Over
TAG: The 16-count tag is done to the diagonal at the end of Walls 1, 3, 5
Rock R, Recover, Back R, ½ L, Back R, ¼ L, Step R, Pivot ½ L, Boogie Walks
1,2,&3&4Rock R forward, recover L, step R back, step L forward ½ left, step R back, step L forward ¼ left 4:30
5,6,7&8Step R forward, make ½ turn left (weight forward on L), boogie walks forward R,L,R
(optional: push arms up down up during the boogie walks) 10:30
Side Switches, Step R, Heel Twists ¼ L, Hitch L, Step L, Touch R
1&2&3&4Point L side, step L beside R, point R side, step R beside L, point L side, step L beside R, step R forward
5&6,&7,8Twist heels R,L,R making ¼ turn left (keep weight R), hitch L, step L side, touch R beside L 7:30


1 評論

TiniCreative August 18, 2021
vote and like... great choreo and it

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