1,2,3 &4Step R to right, step L behind R, step R to right, touch L at instep of R
(You can do a rolling vine, with a full turn to the right)
5,6,7 &8Step L to left, step R behind L, step L to left, touch R at instep of L
(You can do a rolling vine, with a full turn to the left)
Rock, Recover, Sailor Step, Rock, Recover, Sailor Step
1,2Rock R out to the right, recover weight on the L
3&4Step R behind L, step L to the left, step R forward to the side
5, 6Rock L out to the right, recover weight on the R
7&8Step L behind R, step R to the right, step L forward to the side
Hitch, Kick, Coaster Step, Hitch, Kick, Coaster Step
1,2Hitch R under L knee, kick R forward
3&4Step R back, step L back beside R, step forward R
5,6Hitch L under R knee, kick L forward
7&8Step L back, step R back beside L, step forward L
Shuffle, Shuffle, ¼ Turn, Stomp, Stomp
1&2Step R forward, step L beside R, step R forward
3&4Step L forward, step R beside L, step L forward
5,6Step R across left, starting your !/4 turn to the right, step L back, completing your ¼ turn
7,8Stomp R, stomp L beside R, as you square up to your new wall.
Start Over
1,2,3 &4Step R to right, step L behind R, step R to right, touch L at instep of R
(You can do a rolling vine, with a full turn to the right)
5,6,7 &8Step L to left, step R behind L, step L to left, touch R at instep of L
(You can do a rolling vine, with a full turn to the left)
Rock, Recover, Sailor Step, Rock, Recover, Sailor Step
1,2Rock R out to the right, recover weight on the L
3&4Step R behind L, step L to the left, step R forward to the side
5, 6Rock L out to the right, recover weight on the R
7&8Step L behind R, step R to the right, step L forward to the side
Hitch, Kick, Coaster Step, Hitch, Kick, Coaster Step
1,2Hitch R under L knee, kick R forward
3&4Step R back, step L back beside R, step forward R
5,6Hitch L under R knee, kick L forward
7&8Step L back, step R back beside L, step forward L
Shuffle, Shuffle, ¼ Turn, Stomp, Stomp
1&2Step R forward, step L beside R, step R forward
3&4Step L forward, step R beside L, step L forward
5,6Step R across left, starting your !/4 turn to the right, step L back, completing your ¼ turn
7,8Stomp R, stomp L beside R, as you square up to your new wall.
Start Over