CopperKnob Stepsheets

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All United (3 styles)

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Styo Anne-Myriam (FR) & Laura Turcaud (FR) - August 2021
Waitin' On the Weekend - Bret Mullins
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Intro : 32 counts

(1-8) « Heel, Together » R&L, « Side, Touch » R&L (option : claps)
1-2R heel forward, R next to L
3-4L heel forward, L next to R
5-6R to R, touch L point next to R (with clap or not)
7-8L to L, touch R point next to L (with clap or not)

(9-16) Weave R, Side rock R with ¼ turn L, Full turn (or walk fwd x2)
1-2-3-4R to R, cross L behind R, R to R, cross L forward R
5-6R to R, ¼ turn to L and return on L 9H
7-8Make a full turn to L with R-L forward or walk R-L forward

(17-24) Rocking chair R, « Point, Cross » R&L (option : hand on the hat)
1-2-3-4R forward, return on L, R back, return on L
5-6(R hand to hat or not) R point to R, cross R forward L
7-8(L hand to hat or not) L point to L, cross L forward R

(25-32) Rock step R, ½ turn R & Toe Strut, Step Turn ½ R, ¼ turn R & Step L, Hitch R with slap
1-2R forward, return on L
3-4½ turn to R & R point to the ground, lower R heel 3H
5-6L forward, ½ turn to R and return on R 9H
7-8¼ turn to R and L to L, lift R knee and whipping R hand on the R leg 12H
#3 Styles : Traditional, Catalan & Brazilian

(1-8) « Heel, Together » R&L, Swivet R&L
1-2R heel forward, R next to L
3-4L heel forward, L next to R
5-6direct the feet to R by pivoting R toe and L heel, refocus the feet
7-8direct the feet to L by pivoting L toe and R heel, refocus the feet

(9-16) Grapevine R, Kick L, Cross Rock L (jumping), Flick L with ¼ turn L, Stomp L
1-2R to R, cross L behind R
3-4R to R, L kick forward
5-6(« Cross Rock » jumping) Cross L forward R and lift R behind L « Hook », return on R and L kick forward
7-8¼ turn to L and lift L back, L stomp forward 9H

(17-24) Rocking chair R, « Lateral Kick, Cross » R&L
1-2-3-4R forward, return on L, R back, return on L
5-6R kick to R, cross R forward L
7-8L kick to L, cross L forward R

(25-32) Rock step R, Flick R, ½ turn R & Kick R, Step R & Kick L, Cross L over R, Unwind ¾ turn
1-2R forward, return on L
3-4lift R back, ½ turn to R and R kick forward 3H
5-6R next to L and L kick forward, cross L forward R
7-8¾ turn to R by unrolling the feet 12H
For more ease, it's possible to dance the last 4 counts in this way :
5-6R next to L and L kick forward, ¼ turn to R and cross L forward R (6H)
7-8½ turn to R by unrolling the feet (12H)

(1-8) « Heel, Together » R&L, « Hook, Side » R&L
1-2R heel forward, R next to L
3-4L heel forward, L next to R
5-6Lift R inward (R knee out), R to R
7-8Lift L inward (L knee out), L to L

(9-16) Grapevine R, Hitch L with slap, Cross Heel L, Hitch L, ¼ turn L & Step L, Hold
1-2R to R, cross L behind R
3-4R to R or jump to R (feet together), lift L knee and clap hands on L knee
5-6Cross L heel forward R and spread your arms (R hand up and L hand down), Slightly lift L knee
7-8¼ turn to L and L forward, hold 9H

(17-24) Rocking chair R, Pendulo R&L
1-2-3-4R forward, return on L, R back, return on L
5-6Lift and move R from back to front (semi circle), cross R forward L
7-8Lift and move L from back to front (semi circle), cross L forward R

(25-32) Rock step R (with option), Cross R, Hold, ½ turn R, ¼ turn R & Flick R with Slap, ½ turn R & Step R, Together L
1-2R forward (Option : L arm with closed fist pointing to the ground and R elbow back), return on L
3-4cross R behind L, hold
5-6½ turn to R, ¼ turn to R and lif R back by touching R heel with R hand 3H-6H
7-8½ turn to R and move R forward slightly, L next to R 12H

1 評論

Glories August 10, 2021
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