CopperKnob Stepsheets

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No Sad Songs Tonight

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Carol Cotherman (USA) - July 2021
NO SAD SONGS - Niko Moon
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#8-count intro once rhythm starts (Counting 1&2, 3&4...)

Scissor Step, Toe, Heel, Stomp, Rocking Chair, Step, ¼ Turn, Right Stomps (2X)
1&2Step right to side, step left together, cross right over left
3&4Touch left toe slightly to left angling body slightly right, touch left heel in place squaring up to 12;00, stomp left forward
5&6&Rock right forward, recover to left, rock right back, recover to left
7&8&Step right forward, ¼ pivot left taking weight to left, stomp right in place 2x keeping weight on left (9:00)

Back, Touch, Back, Touch, Back, Hook, Step, Scuff, Step, Lock, Step, Step, ½ Turn, Step
1&2&Step right back on slight right diagonal, touch left by right (clap), step left back on slight left diagonal, touch right by left (clap)
3&4&Step right back squaring up to 9:00, hook left over right (can touch left toe in front of right for balance) (clap), step left forward, scuff right (clap)
5&6Step right forward, lock left behind right, step right forward
7&8Step left forward, ½ pivot right taking weight to right, step left forward prepping for upcoming left turn (3:00)
Triple Step Full Turn, Step, ¼ Turn, Cross, Touch Out, In, Out, Behind, Side, Cross
1&2½ Turn left stepping right back, ½ turn left stepping left forward, step right forward
3&4Step left forward, ¼ turn right taking weight to right, cross left over right
5&6Touch right toe to side, touch right toe by left, touch right toe to side
7&8Step right behind left, step left to side, cross right over left (6:00)
*You can replace the full turn on counts 1&2 with run, run, run. Style as you like...prissy or boogie

Touch Out, In, Out, ½ Turning Sailor Step, Step, Lock, Step, Step, ¼ Turn, Cross
1&2Touch left toe to side, touch left toe by right, touch left toe to side
3&4½ Turn left sweeping left around and stepping behind right, step right beside left, step left beside right (12:00)
5&6Step right forward, lock left behind right, step right forward
7&8Step left forward, ¼ pivot turn right taking weight to right, cross left over right (3:00)

TAG: One 4-CountTag: End of Wall 2 facing 6:00
1&2&Step right to side, touch left by right, step left to side, touch right by left
3&4&Step right back, touch left by right, step left forward, touch right by left

One Restart: Wall 5 - Dance 16 counts and restart facing 3:00

To End Facing 12:00: Final wall starts facing 6:00 dance through 18 counts, but change the full triple turn to a ¾ triple turn. Non-turners change run, run, run to run run, ¼ turn right stepping right forward.

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