CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Bad Habits

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Phrased High Intermediate
Michael Diven (USA) - July 2021
Bad Habits - Ed Sheeran
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Intro: Begin 16 counts.

Sequence: AA B CCC Hold AA B CCC AA CC

PART A: (16 Counts)
Step, Sweep, Step, Sweep, Jazz Box, Drag
1-2Step forward on right foot, sweep left foot in front of right
3-4Step forward on left foot, sweep right foot in front of left
5-6Cross step right foot over left, step back on left foot
7-8Step back on right foot, drag left foot next to right (weight stays on right foot)

Rock, Recover, Step, ¼ Turn, ½ Turn Jazz Box, Drag
1-2Rock back on left foot, recover weight to right foot
3-4Step forward on left foot, pivot ¼ turn right
5-6Cross step left foot over right, pivot ¼ turn left stepping back on right foot
7-8Pivot ¼ turn left stepping left foot to left side, drag right foot next to left

PART B: (32 Counts)
Cross, Hold, Syncopated Weave Left, Cross, Hold, Syncopated Weave Lefft
1-2Cross step right foot over left, hold
&3-4Step left foot to left side, step right foot behind left, step left foot to left side
5-6Cross step right foot over left, hold
&7-8Step left foot to left side, step right foot behind left, step left foot to left side

Cross Rock, Recover, ¼ Turn Shuffle, Rock, Recover, Full Turn Left
1-2Cross rock right foot over left, recover weight back to left foot
3&4Step right foot to right side, step left foot next to right, pivot ¼ turn right stepping forward on right foot
5-6Rock forward on left foot, recover weight back to right foot
7Pivot ½ turn left, stepping forward on left foot
8Pivot ½ turn left, stepping back on right foot

Sweep Step, Hold, Syncopated Weave Right, Cross Step, Hold, Syncopated Weave Right
1-2Sweep and cross step left foot behind right, hold
&3-4Step right foot to right side, step left foot across right, step right foot to right side
5-6Cross step left foot behind right, hold
&7-8Step right foot to right side, step left foot across right, step right foot to right side

Cross Rock, Recover, ¼ Turn Shuffle, Rock, Recover, ½ Turn Left, Walk
1-2Cross rock left foot over right, recover weight back to right foot
3&4Step left foot to left side, step right foot next to left, pivot ¼ turn left stepping forward on left foot
5-6Rock forward on right foot, recover weight back to left foot
7Pivot ½ turn right, stepping forward on right foot
8Step forward on left foot

PART C: (32 Counts)
Wizard Right, Wizard Left, Rock, Recover, ¼ Turn Chasse
1-2&Step forward on right foot, lock step left behind right, step forward on right foot
3-4&Step forward on left foot, lock step right behind left, step forward on left foot
5-6Rock forward on right foot, recover weight back to left
7&8Turn ¼ turn right stepping right foot to right side, step left foot next to right, step right foot to right side

Point, Point, Step Back, Point, ¼ Turn Jazz Box
1-2Point left toe forward, point left toe to left side
3-4Step left foot behind right foot, point right toe to right side
5-6Cross step right foot over left, pivot ¼ turn right stepping back on left foot
7-8Step right foot to right side, cross step left over right

Step, ¼ Turn Hitch, Step, ¼ Turn Hitch, Sycnopated Weave, Rock, Recover
1-2Step the right foot to right side, pivot a ¼ turn left and lift left leg
3-4Step left foot in place, pivot a ¼ turn right and lift right leg
5&6Step right foot behind left foot, step left foot to left side, cross step right foot over left
7-8Step left foot to left side, recover weight back on right foot

Left Sailor Step, Back Rock, Recover, Step, ½ Turn Left, Walk, Walk
1&2Step left foot behind right, step right foot to right side, step left foot to left side
3-4Rock back on right foot, recover weight back to left
5-6Step forward on right foot, pivot ½ turn left
7-8Walk forward on right foot, walk forward on left foot

After the first 3 cycles of Part C, hold for about 2 counts, restart on lyrics with Part A

Begin again and remember.......have fun!

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