Beginner / Improver
Intro: 32 counts
Easy Tag (see below): occurs at end of Wall 5 (facing 3:00) and Wall 8 (facing 12:00)
S1: Step Diagonal Back, Touch (2X--Right, then Left), R Rock Back/Recover, R Shuffle Forward
1-2Step R diagonal back (1), touch L next to R (2)
3-4Step L diagonal back (3), touch R next to L (4)
5-6Rock back on R (5), recover weight to L (6)
7&8Step R forward (7), step L next to R (&), step R forward (8)
S2: ¼ Pivot Right, Cross Shuffle, Step Side, Touch Behind/Finger Snaps (2X--Right, then Left)
1-2Step L forward (1), pivot ¼ right (2) (3:00)
3&4Cross L over R (3), step R to right (&), cross L over R (4)
5-6Step R to right (5), touch L toe behind R while snapping fingers (6)
7-8Step L to left (7), touch R toe behind L while snapping fingers (8)
S3: R Rumba Box Back: Side, Together, Step Back, Touch, Side, Together, Shuffle Forward L
1-2Step R to right (1), step L next to R (2)
3-4Step R back (3), touch L next to R (4)
5-6Step L to left (5), step R next to L (6)
7&8Step L forward (7), step R next to L (&), step L forward (8)
S4: R Press Forward/Recover, R Coaster Step, (L Step Forward, R Touch, R Kick-Ball-Change)*
1-2Press forward on ball of R (1), recover full weight to L (2)
Feel free to body roll forward on the press step above
3&4Step R back (3), step L next to R (&), step R forward
5-6Step forward on L (5), touch R next to L (6)
7&8Kick R (7), step on ball of R next to L (&), step on L (8)
* Optional turning alternative for last 4 counts of S4 --
5-6Step forward on L (5), turn 1/2 right (pivot), with weight on right (6)
7&8step L 1/4 right (7), step R next to L (&), step L 1/4 right (8)
Tag (4 counts): (occurs twice - end of Wall 5 facing (3:00) and Wall 8 facing (12:00))
1Touch R to forward right diagonal
2R Heel swivel out
3R Heel swivel in
4R Kick forward right diagonal
Last Update: 11 Jan 2023
Easy Tag (see below): occurs at end of Wall 5 (facing 3:00) and Wall 8 (facing 12:00)
S1: Step Diagonal Back, Touch (2X--Right, then Left), R Rock Back/Recover, R Shuffle Forward
1-2Step R diagonal back (1), touch L next to R (2)
3-4Step L diagonal back (3), touch R next to L (4)
5-6Rock back on R (5), recover weight to L (6)
7&8Step R forward (7), step L next to R (&), step R forward (8)
S2: ¼ Pivot Right, Cross Shuffle, Step Side, Touch Behind/Finger Snaps (2X--Right, then Left)
1-2Step L forward (1), pivot ¼ right (2) (3:00)
3&4Cross L over R (3), step R to right (&), cross L over R (4)
5-6Step R to right (5), touch L toe behind R while snapping fingers (6)
7-8Step L to left (7), touch R toe behind L while snapping fingers (8)
S3: R Rumba Box Back: Side, Together, Step Back, Touch, Side, Together, Shuffle Forward L
1-2Step R to right (1), step L next to R (2)
3-4Step R back (3), touch L next to R (4)
5-6Step L to left (5), step R next to L (6)
7&8Step L forward (7), step R next to L (&), step L forward (8)
S4: R Press Forward/Recover, R Coaster Step, (L Step Forward, R Touch, R Kick-Ball-Change)*
1-2Press forward on ball of R (1), recover full weight to L (2)
Feel free to body roll forward on the press step above
3&4Step R back (3), step L next to R (&), step R forward
5-6Step forward on L (5), touch R next to L (6)
7&8Kick R (7), step on ball of R next to L (&), step on L (8)
* Optional turning alternative for last 4 counts of S4 --
5-6Step forward on L (5), turn 1/2 right (pivot), with weight on right (6)
7&8step L 1/4 right (7), step R next to L (&), step L 1/4 right (8)
Tag (4 counts): (occurs twice - end of Wall 5 facing (3:00) and Wall 8 facing (12:00))
1Touch R to forward right diagonal
2R Heel swivel out
3R Heel swivel in
4R Kick forward right diagonal
Last Update: 11 Jan 2023