CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Little Holiday

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Matt Coleman (AUS) - June 2021
Holiday - Little Mix
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Intro: Start on the word "Boy"
S1: V Step on the right, big step right drag left, big step left drag right
1-2Step RF forward to R diagonal, step LF forward to L diagonal
3-4Step RF back and under the body, step LF back next to RF to take weight
5-6Take RF in a big step to R side, drag LF next to RF
7-8Take LF in a big step to L side, drag RF next to LF
S2: Step right into two slow sailor steps, step together
1Step RF to R side
2-4Step LF behind RF, step RF to R side, recover weight on LF stepping to L side
5-7Step RF behind LF, step LF to L side, recover weight on RF stepping to R side
8Step LF next to RF and take weight
S3: Rolling vine to the right and touch*, Grapevine 1/4 turn left and touch
1-4Turn 1/4 right (to 3 o'clock) and step RF forward , Turn another 1/2 right and step LF back (to face 9 o'clock), turn 1/4 right and step RF to R side (to face 12 o'clock), touch LF next to RF.
5-8Step LF to L side, step RF behind LF, turn 1/4 left (to 9 o'clock) and step LF forward, touch RF next to LF
S4: (Same as section 1) V Step on RF, big step right, drag left, big step left, drag right
1-2Step RF forward to R diagonal, step LF forward to L diagonal
3-4Step RF back and under the body, step LF back next to RF to take weight
5-6Take RF in a big step to R side, drag LF next to RF
7-8Take LF in a big step to L side, drag RF next to LF

Ending: The dance will end on wall 12, facing 3 o'clock. Dance section one as usual. In section two dance the second sailor step (counts 5-7) as a 1/4 sailor left to face the front to finish.
For an easier dance this can be danced as a grapevine to the right with a touch, so the first four counts are: Step RF to R side, Step LF behind RF, Step RF to R side, touch LF next to RF. (But the rolling vine feels really nice with the music!)


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