High Beginner Contra
#32 count intro - 1 easy restart
[1-8] R side rock recover cross hold, L side rock recover cross hold
1-4Rock R to right side, recover to L, cross step R over L, hold
5-8Rock L to left side, recover to R, cross step L over R, hold.
[9-16] Step forward touch x 2, step back touch x 2
1-4Step R forward diagonal, touch L beside R, step L forward diagonal, touch R beside L.
**note: it will look like one line with forward step touches**
5-8Step R back diagonal, touch L beside R, step L back diagonal, touch R beside L.
****restart here on wall 3****
[17-24] R lock steps forward brush, L lock steps forward brush
1-4Step R forward, lock L behind R, step R forward, brush L beside R
5-8Step L forward, lock R behind L, step L forward, brush R beside L.
**note: lines will pass each other at this point of dance, next 8 counts you will Be back to back.**
[25-32] R mambo forward, hold, L slow Coaster brush.
1-4Rock forward R, recover L, step R back, hold.
5-8Step L back, step R back beside L, step L forward, brush R beside L.
[33-40] R step ½ turn step brush, L forward touch R back touch heel
1-4Step forward R, turn ½ left (weight to L) step forward R, brush L (6:00)
5-8Step L forward, touch R toe behind L, step R back, touch L heel forward.
[41-48] Step out hold, step in hold, hip bumps x 4
& 1 2Step L out to left side, step R out to right side, hold
*keep steps out small for music is peppy*
& 3 4Step L in beside R, touch R in beside L, hold.
5-8Bumps hips R, L, R, L. (6:00)
**Contra note: Dance start with two lines offset facing each other.
Pass on Lock steps Trading places. Have fun with dance and song.
****1 Restart on Wall 3, dance 16 counts restart from beginning.
Dance from the Heart with JOY!!!!!
Gwen Walker: gkwdance@gmail.com
Jenny Brown: jdb_in_ar@yahoo.com
[1-8] R side rock recover cross hold, L side rock recover cross hold
1-4Rock R to right side, recover to L, cross step R over L, hold
5-8Rock L to left side, recover to R, cross step L over R, hold.
[9-16] Step forward touch x 2, step back touch x 2
1-4Step R forward diagonal, touch L beside R, step L forward diagonal, touch R beside L.
**note: it will look like one line with forward step touches**
5-8Step R back diagonal, touch L beside R, step L back diagonal, touch R beside L.
****restart here on wall 3****
[17-24] R lock steps forward brush, L lock steps forward brush
1-4Step R forward, lock L behind R, step R forward, brush L beside R
5-8Step L forward, lock R behind L, step L forward, brush R beside L.
**note: lines will pass each other at this point of dance, next 8 counts you will Be back to back.**
[25-32] R mambo forward, hold, L slow Coaster brush.
1-4Rock forward R, recover L, step R back, hold.
5-8Step L back, step R back beside L, step L forward, brush R beside L.
[33-40] R step ½ turn step brush, L forward touch R back touch heel
1-4Step forward R, turn ½ left (weight to L) step forward R, brush L (6:00)
5-8Step L forward, touch R toe behind L, step R back, touch L heel forward.
[41-48] Step out hold, step in hold, hip bumps x 4
& 1 2Step L out to left side, step R out to right side, hold
*keep steps out small for music is peppy*
& 3 4Step L in beside R, touch R in beside L, hold.
5-8Bumps hips R, L, R, L. (6:00)
**Contra note: Dance start with two lines offset facing each other.
Pass on Lock steps Trading places. Have fun with dance and song.
****1 Restart on Wall 3, dance 16 counts restart from beginning.
Dance from the Heart with JOY!!!!!
Gwen Walker: gkwdance@gmail.com
Jenny Brown: jdb_in_ar@yahoo.com