Beginner waltz
Intro: 24
Vine L, Toe Touch's, Vine R, Toe Touch's
1-6Step L, R behind L, step on L, Touch R toe fwd. R side, and touch R next to L,
1-6Step R, L behind R, step on R, Touch L toe fwd., L side, and touch next to R
Basic Waltz Step Fwd. and Back
1-6Step L fwd. step R then step L, Step back on R, step on L then step on R
Side Waltz Step L then R and turn L
1-3Step wide to L, step Rf behind L, step on L
4-6Step wide to R, step Lf behind R turning L, and step on R
Start over! No Tag's, enjoy the beautiful song
Contact: mygeo@adamswells.com
Vine L, Toe Touch's, Vine R, Toe Touch's
1-6Step L, R behind L, step on L, Touch R toe fwd. R side, and touch R next to L,
1-6Step R, L behind R, step on R, Touch L toe fwd., L side, and touch next to R
Basic Waltz Step Fwd. and Back
1-6Step L fwd. step R then step L, Step back on R, step on L then step on R
Side Waltz Step L then R and turn L
1-3Step wide to L, step Rf behind L, step on L
4-6Step wide to R, step Lf behind R turning L, and step on R
Start over! No Tag's, enjoy the beautiful song
Contact: mygeo@adamswells.com