CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Etna Stomp

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Giuseppe Scaccianoce (IT) - May 2021
I'm Gonna Getcha Good! - Shania Twain
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w3° wall after 46°count
w6° wall after 60°count

[1 - 8] Open, open,open, stop, open, open, open, stop
1-4right side touch, change and left side touch, change and right side touch, hold
5-8change and left touch slightly forward , change and right touch slightly forward, change and right touch slightly forward, hold

[9 - 16] Circle walking
1-8left step to the right 45°, walk in circle right, left, right, left, right, left, back to initial position and stomp right

[17 - 24] Stomp, Stomp, walking stomp, shuffle , shuffle
1-2stomp left, stomp right
3&4stomp left, right, left
5&6step right slightly forward, cross left behind right, step right
7&8step left slightly forward, cross right behind right, step left

[25 - 32] Cross, Turn, out out ,stop, Hip Bumps
1,2cross and touch right toe slightly behind left foot, unwind 1 full turn
3&4step left, side step right forward, side step left ( feet in 2th)
5,6,7wave hips to the right, left, right
&8step right, step left (feet in 1nd)

[33 - 40] Kick, kick,Hook, Chasse, Chasse
1,2touch right heel forward, change and touch left heel forward
3&4touch right heel forward, hook right, kick right forward
5&6step right backward, step left near right turning 1/4 right, step right turning 1/4 right
7&8step left forward, step right near left turning 1/4 right, step left turning 1/4 right

[41 - 48] Slide, Sailor step, Sailor step, Kick Cross
1,2pivot right 1/4 on left and step right, sweep left near right
3&4left sailor step cross left behind right, side step right, side step left
5&6right sailor step cross right behind left, side step left, side step right
7&8kick cross change kick left to left, step left, cross step right to left (traveling to left)

[49 - 56] Kick cross, turn, scuff, swivel
1&2kick cross change kick left to left, step left, cross step right to left (traveling to left)
3,4,5turn 1/4 left and step left, turn 1/4 left and step right, turn 1/2 left and step left
6,7scuff right, stomp right slightly forward
8swivel heels forward

[57 - 64] Movement toe heel
1 2 3swivel heels back, fwd, back
4 & 5swivel hells fwd, back, forward
6 & 7kick L fwd, step L, turn 1/4 R and step R
8side step L


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