High Beginner
#32 count Intro, 1 easy Restart
[1-8] Step hold, ball step, scuff, forward rock recover, ¼ L triple
12&34Step forward R, hold, step on ball of L(&), step R forward, scuff L.
5-6Rock forward L, recover R
7&8Step L ¼ left, step R beside L, step L to left side (9:00)
[9-16] Weave, point, x 2
1-4Cross step R over L, step L to left side, step R behind L, point L to side (9:00)
5-8Cross step L over R, step R to right side, step L behind R, point R to side.
*******Restart here on Wall 5*******
[17-24] Cross, point, ¼ L Coaster, Pivot ½ turn x 2
1-2Cross step R over L, point L to side
3&4Step L ¼ turn left back (6:00), step R back beside L, step L forward (6:00)
5-8Step R forward, pivot left ½,(12:00) (weight on L) Step R forward, pivot left ½,(6:00)
**Option: replace step 1/2 pivots with a rocking chair**
[25-32] R to side, L behind, R triple in place, L to side, R behind, ¼ Left Triple
1-2Step R to right side, step L behind R
3&4Step R to right side, step L beside R, step R beside L (6:00)
5-6Step L to left side, step R behind L.
7&8Step L ¼ left, step R beside L, step L forward (3:00)
Restart on Wall 5(starts at 12:00 wall), dance first 16 counts (9:00 wall), restart.
Dance finishes at 12:00 wall. Enjoy
Dance from the Heart with JOY!!!!!
Gwen Walker: gkwdance@gmail.com
[1-8] Step hold, ball step, scuff, forward rock recover, ¼ L triple
12&34Step forward R, hold, step on ball of L(&), step R forward, scuff L.
5-6Rock forward L, recover R
7&8Step L ¼ left, step R beside L, step L to left side (9:00)
[9-16] Weave, point, x 2
1-4Cross step R over L, step L to left side, step R behind L, point L to side (9:00)
5-8Cross step L over R, step R to right side, step L behind R, point R to side.
*******Restart here on Wall 5*******
[17-24] Cross, point, ¼ L Coaster, Pivot ½ turn x 2
1-2Cross step R over L, point L to side
3&4Step L ¼ turn left back (6:00), step R back beside L, step L forward (6:00)
5-8Step R forward, pivot left ½,(12:00) (weight on L) Step R forward, pivot left ½,(6:00)
**Option: replace step 1/2 pivots with a rocking chair**
[25-32] R to side, L behind, R triple in place, L to side, R behind, ¼ Left Triple
1-2Step R to right side, step L behind R
3&4Step R to right side, step L beside R, step R beside L (6:00)
5-6Step L to left side, step R behind L.
7&8Step L ¼ left, step R beside L, step L forward (3:00)
Restart on Wall 5(starts at 12:00 wall), dance first 16 counts (9:00 wall), restart.
Dance finishes at 12:00 wall. Enjoy
Dance from the Heart with JOY!!!!!
Gwen Walker: gkwdance@gmail.com