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God Only Knows (Christian song)

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Betty Lee (CAN) - April 2021
God Only Knows - for KING & COUNTRY & Dolly Parton
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This dance is dedicated to Leslie Neo's Outreach Program line dance class at his church in Perth, Australia.
We are blessed vessels used by the LORD to enlarge HIS Kingdom.
Intro: 16 counts

Tag 1: End of Wall 2, facing 6:00
Step, Vaudevilles L,R, L Forward Mambo, Back, Together
1,Step Fwd R
2&3&Cross step L, Step R to R slightly back, Touch L heel Fwd to L diagonal, Step together on L
4&5&Cross step R, Step L to L slightly back, Touch R heel Fwd to R diagonal, Step together on R
6&7Rock Fwd L, Recover onto R, Step back L
8 &Step back R, step together on L

Tag 2: End of Wall 5, facing 3:00
Step, Together
1 &Step Fwd R, Step L next to R
S1: R Dorothy Step, Step Lock 2X, L Scissors Step, R Scissors ¼ L, Together
1,2&Step Fwd R, Cross step L behind R, Step Fwd R
3&4&Step Fwd L, Lock step R behind L, Step Fwd L, Lock step R behind L
5&6Step L to L, Step R next to L, Cross step L
7&8&Step R to R, Turning ¼ L stepping L next to R, Step Fwd R, Step L next to R or slightly
 Forward (9:00)
S2: Step, L Rocking Chair, L Side Mambo, R Rocking Chair, Side, Together
1,2&3&Step Fwd R, Rock Fwd L, Recover onto R, Rock back L, recover onto R
4&5Rock step L to L, Recover onto R, Step L next to R
6&7&Rock Fwd R, Recover onto L. Rock back R, Recover onto L
8&Step R to R, Step L next to R

S3: Side, Back Rock, Recover, ¼ L , Cross, Side, Behind, Behind, Side, Cross, Side, Together
1,2&RF Take a big step to R, Rock step back on L, Recover onto R
3¼ Turn L step Fwd L, sweeping R front back to front (6:00)
4&5Cross step R over L, Step L to L, Cross step R behind L, sweeping L from front to back
6&7Step L behind R, Step R to R, Cross step L over R
8&Step R to R, Step L next to R

S4: Step, L Forward Mambo, R Back Mambo, Mambo ¼ L, Back, Together
1, 2&3Step Fwd R, Rock step fwd L, Recover onto R, Step back L
4&5Rock step back R, Recover onto L, Step Fwd R
6&7Cross step L, Recover onto R, ¼ Turn L stepping L to L (3:00)
8&Step back R, Step L next to R

God is Good, God is Love

1 評論 April 28, 2021
Love it Betty, Well done to you, & the Music fab. Kindest regards Peter.

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