CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Salt, Lime & Tequila

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Michelle Wright (USA) - April 2021
Salt, Lime & Tequila - Ryan Griffin
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Dance starts on lyrics - *No tags or restarts*

Section 1: R Side together, ¼ R shuffle, Step ¼ turn Crossing shuffle
1,2 Step R to R side, Step L next to R
3&4 ¼ turn R Stepping R forward, Step L next to R, Step R forward
5,6 Step L forward, ¼ turn R putting weight on R
7&8 Cross L over R , Step R to R side , Cross L over R

Section 2: R and L forward traveling point Cross step, Out, Out R coaster step
1,2 Point R to R side, Cross R over L slightly stepping forward
3,4 Point L to L side, Cross L over R slightly stepping forward
5,6 Step R forward on diagonal, Step L forward on Diagonal
7&8 Step R back, Step L next to R, Step R forward

Section 3: L and R step, lock, step,lock, step
1,2 Step L forward slightly on diagonal, Step R behind L
3&4 Step L forward, Step R behind L, Step L forward
5,6 Step R forward slightly on diagonal, Step L behind R
7&8Step R forward, Step L behind R, Step R forward

Section 4: Jazz box, L Forward rock, recover, L coaster Cross
1,2 Cross L over R, Step R back
3,4 Step L to L side, Step R forward
5,6 Step L forward, Recover on R
7&8 Step L back, Step R next to L , Cross L over R

End of dance! Have fun with this dance!

Any questions please email

2021 12 APR 2

3 評論

DeBossE April 11, 2021
Nice dance... thanks for sharing it with us!

Diane Ellis May 5, 2021
Great dance!

Baliamo May 6, 2021
Choppy choreography

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