CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Happy Anywhere (P)

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Improver Partner
Natalie Boyle (USA) - March 2021
Happy Anywhere (feat. Gwen Stefani) - Blake Shelton
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Sec 1: Woman: Right Lock step, Left lock step, Right lock step, Left lock step
Sec 1: Man: Left lock step, Right lock step, Left lock step, Right lock step **Steps with Count will be Woman only - Man does opposite foot**
1&2Right foot FWD, left foot lock behind Rt, step Rt foot
3&4Left foot FWD, Rt foot lock behind, step Left foot
5&6Right foot FWD, left foot lock behind, step Rt foot
7&8Left foot FWD, Rt foot lock behind left, step Left foot

Sec 2: Woman: Right foot Rock FWD recover, shuffle back Rt, Rock left foot back, shuffle Fwd left
Sec 2: Man: Rock Left foot FWD recover, shuffle left back, Rock Rt foot back recover, Shuffle FWD Rt **Steps with Count will be Woman only - Man does opposite foot**
1-2Rock FWD weight on Right foot, recover weight back to left foot
3&4Shuffle back Rt left Rt
5-6Rock Back weight on left foot, recover weight back onto Rt foot
7&8Shuffle FWD Left Rt Left

Sec 3: Woman: Step RT,1/4 turn left, Left heel out front, Rt heel out front, Rock Rt foot FWD towards partner's Rt shoulder, recover left, Rock back RT recover
Sec 3: Man: Step left ¼ turn to Rt, Rt heel FWD, Left heel FWD, Rock Rt foot FWD towards partner's Rt shoulder, recover, Rock Rt foot back recover **Steps with Count will be Woman only - Man does opposite foot**
1-2Step Rt foot, Step Left ¼ turn to Left
3&4&Left heel out, back home, Rt heel out, back home
5-6Rock Rt foot FWD, Recover weight onto left foot
7-8Rock Back on Rt foot, Recover weight onto Left foot

Sec 4: Walk in ½ turn Rt left Rt left, Rt hand on man's shoulder, his Rt hand on woman's shoulder, continue walking in ½ turn hold Rt hand to his Rt hand, he turns Rt arm over woman's head as she turns ½ way around facing forward
1-2Step Rt, Step Left, partners holding Rt hands
3-4Step Rt Step Left Rt hands to partner's Rt shoulder
5-6Step Rt Step Left
7-8Step Rt on ½ turn over Rt shoulder, Man turning Rt arm over Woman's head, Step Left facing forward

TAG: Step Right foot Fwd, ¼ turn to left stepping Left, Man turns Left arm over woman's head, woman steps back on Rt foot ½ turn pivot over Rt shoulder, Woman pivots ½ turn back around over left shoulder as her arm turns back over head, Step, Left foot, ¼ turn to Rt stepping Rt as both man and woman switch hands Left to Left - Right to Right

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