CopperKnob Stepsheets

Page Image George 157431
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2 Fabulous

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Low Intermediate
Carole Daugherty (USA) & Frank Cooper (CAN) - March 2021
Fabulous - C.U.T. : (iTunes)
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#32 ct intro
This peppy track is only 2:16 in length, we could have interpreted the song using phrased patterns.
We intentionally chose steps that can be styled more smoothly over the bridge, without using tags etc.
Your welcome ;)

Sec 1 Back, Heel, Step w/ Alternating Knee Pop x3, Cross Strut Fwd 2x
&,1,2,3,4Step slightly back on Right ft (&) Dig Left heel fwd (1) Shift weight fwd to Left ft, ast bending Right Knee (2) Shift weight back to Right ft ast bending Left Knee (3) Shift weight fwd to Left ft ast bending Right Knee (4)
5,6Strut fwd on Right, toes slightly crossing left ft (5) Weight Right ft (6)
7,8Strut fwd on Left, toes slightly crossing over to the right ft (7) Weight Left ft (8)
(Open/Prep angled slightly right to 1:00 on ct 8)

Sec 2 Ball-Cross, Point, R ¼ Sailor, Cross ¼ Left, Hold, Ball-Cross, Hold
&1,2Step back slightly to right on Right ft (&) Cross Left ft over right (1) Point Right toes out to right side (2)
3&4Turning ¼ right, Sailor step, Right (3) Left (&) Right (4)
5,6Step Left ft fwd across ¼ left (5) Hold in angled cross position (6) 1:00
&7,8Step slightly to right on ball of Right ft (&) Cross Left ft over right (7) Hold (8)

Sec 3 Side, Check w/ Snap, Cross, Turn ¼ Left, ¼ Left Check, Hold, Cross, Side
1,2,3Step out right on Right ft (1) Collect/check Left ft together, angled slightly to left facing 11:00, snapping right fingers (2) Slide Right foot over across left (3)
4&5,6Turn ¼ to left stepping left (4) Turning ¼ left, step Right ft next to left (&) Check Left ft aside right (&) Hold (6)
(Styling: allow Right ft to slip diagonally back in a slight flick on ct 6)
7,8Step Right ft over across left (7) Step Left ft out to left side (8)

Sec 4 Rock & Step, Behind-Side-Fwd, Rock, Replace, Turn ½ Right 2x
1&2Rock ball of Right ft behind left (1) Recover Left (&) Step Right ft to right side (2)
3&4Step Left ft behind right (3) Step slightly right on Right (&) Step Left Fwd (4)
5,6Rock fwd on Right ft (5) Prep/Recover step back on Left for right turn (6)
7,8Turn ½ right stepping Right slightly back (7) Turn ½ right stepping Left slightly back (8) OR Omit turn by walking slightly back Left (7) Right (8)

Ending: During section 2 facing 6:00, replace Right ¼ sailor with Right ½ sailor (3&4) to face 12:00, Cross Left ft over right on ct 5 with your final pose. Tada!

As Ever, Enjoy Every Dance!

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Last Update - 18 March 2021

1 評論

CTD March 18, 2021
Apologies, George. Error on sheet. Section 3 is missing ct 5, amended it should read as follows:

4&5,6 Turn ¼ to left stepping left (4) Turning ¼ left, step Right ft next to left (&) Check Left ft aside right (&) Hold (6)
(Styling: allow Right ft to slip diagonally back in a slight flick on ct 6)

Thank you, again sorry for the mistake.

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