CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Gotta Move

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Aurora de Jong (USA) - February 2021
Move - Saint Motel
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There is a 16 count tag after Walls 1 and 3. - No restarts.

[1-8]: 3 steps forward, pivot ½ left with hitch, step point, ball point with ¼ turn right, ball point
1-4 step R forward (1), step L forward (2), step R forward (3), pivot ½ left, keeping weight on R and slightly hitching L (4) (6:00) (styling: bend knees slightly on count 3 and straighten as you turn on count 4)
5-6 step L forward (5), point R to right (6)
&7&8 step ball of R to L, turning ¼ right (&), point L to left (7), step ball of L to R (&), point R to right (8)

[9-16]: cross step at left diagonal, step, step and pivot ½ left, L lock step with scuff, R lock step
1-2 cross step R over L slightly to left diagonal (1), step L forward (2) (7:30) (styling: bend knees slightly on count 1, straighten on count 2)
3,4 step R forward (still at left diagaonal) (3), pivot ½ left and straighten knees, keeping weight on R (4) (1:30) (styling: bend knees slightly on count 3 and straighten on count 4)
5&6& step L forward to 1:30 (5), step R behind L (&), step L forward (6), scuff R forward (&)
7&8 step R forward, still traveling toward 1:30 (7), step L behind R (&), step R forward (8)

[17-24]: behind side cross and cross (squaring to 3:00), step drag, behind, ¼ turn right R shuffle, hitch L
1&2&3 step L behind R (1), step R to right, squaring up to 3:00 (&), step L across R (2), step R ball to right (&), step L across R (3)
4 big step right with R (4)
5 step L behind R (5)
6&7 step R forward, turning ¼ right to 6:00 (6), step ball of L to R (&), step R forward (7) (6:00)
8 hitch L (8)

[25-32]: full cross unwind turn right, side rock, recover and hitch, ¾ right walk-around
1 cross L toe over R and begin full unwind to right (1)
2-3 continue unwind to right (2), finish unwind back to 6:00 and transfer weight to R (3)
4 rock L to left and hitch R (4)
5 recover by stepping R forward, turning ¼ right (5) (9:00)
6-8 continue walking turning another ½ to the right, to 3:00: step L forward (6), step R forward (7), step L forward (3:00)
Hand styling: During the choruses on counts 4, 8, 12, 20, 24, and 28 he says, "Move!" - you can do
various things with your hands: raise them up, stick them straight out, down at your side, etc...

Have fun with it!

*16 count Tag: (Do these steps after Walls 1 and 3 only)
[1-8]: cross point (2x), ¼ right jazz box
1-4 cross R in front of L (1), point L to left (2), cross L in front of R (3), point R to right (4)
5-8 cross R in front of L (5), step L back (6), step R forward turning ¼ right to 6:00 (7), step L forward (8)

[9-16]: step pivot ½ left, shuffle ½ left, 2 steps back, coaster step
1-2 step R forward (1), pivot ½ left, transferring weight to L (2) (12:00)
3&4 ½ left shuffle: step R to right turning ¼ left (3), step L back to R turning ¼ left (&), step R back (4) (6:00)
5-6 step L back (5), step R back (6)
7&8 L coaster step: step L back (7), step R to L (&), step L forward (8)



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