Intro: 16 counts
Cross point R/L back R/l
1-2Step R across left, Point Lf to side
3-4Step L across Right, Point Rf to side
5-6Step R behind Lf, Point Lf to side
7-8Step L behind R, Point Rf to side, swing R around, ready for next step.
Rock Back, Walk steps front, Repeat on L
1-4Rock back of R, return to L, and Step forward R/L/R
5-8Rock forward on L, return to R, and Step back L/R/L
Vine R & L
1-4Step R, L behind R, step R, Touch L to R,
5-8Step L, R behind R, step L, touch R to L
** (Also works great with a rolling vine for more advanced dancers)
Jazz Box, 2x turning R
1-4Step R over L, step back on L, step R, step L to R
5-8Step R over L, step back on L, step R turning R, step L to R
Start over. No tags, Enjoy. mygeo@adamswells.com
I would love it if someone could do a demo of this for me, and post it!
Cross point R/L back R/l
1-2Step R across left, Point Lf to side
3-4Step L across Right, Point Rf to side
5-6Step R behind Lf, Point Lf to side
7-8Step L behind R, Point Rf to side, swing R around, ready for next step.
Rock Back, Walk steps front, Repeat on L
1-4Rock back of R, return to L, and Step forward R/L/R
5-8Rock forward on L, return to R, and Step back L/R/L
Vine R & L
1-4Step R, L behind R, step R, Touch L to R,
5-8Step L, R behind R, step L, touch R to L
** (Also works great with a rolling vine for more advanced dancers)
Jazz Box, 2x turning R
1-4Step R over L, step back on L, step R, step L to R
5-8Step R over L, step back on L, step R turning R, step L to R
Start over. No tags, Enjoy. mygeo@adamswells.com
I would love it if someone could do a demo of this for me, and post it!