(1-8) Stomp, Heel-toe-heel, Stomp, Clap 3x (knee, hip, shoulder)
1, 2-3-4Stomp L to L diagonal, move R to L moving heel, toe, heel towards the L
5, 6-7-8Stomp R to R diagonal, clap hands 3x (styling - start at knee level, hip level, shoulder height) (12:00 - body angled to 1:30)
(9-16) REPEAT 1st 8
(17-24) Cross Rocking Chair, Charleston
1,2,3,4Rock L across the R, replace weight to R, rock back on the L, replace weight to R
5,6,7,8Step L fwrd, kick R to diagonal, step R back, touch L back (12:00)
(25-32) Weave, Cross, Bounce ½ R
1,2,3,4Cross L over R, step R to R side, step L behind R, step R to R side
5,6,7,8Cross L over R, on the balls of both feet bounce ½ R taking weight to L on count 8 (6:00)
(33-40) Side, Kick, Weave, Kick, Behind, Side
1,2,3,4,5Step R to R side, kick L outside diagonal, step L behind R, R to R side, cross L over R
6,7,8Kick R to outside diagonal, step R behind L, step L to L side (6:00)
***the 4th time you start up front**** replace count 8 with a TOUCH (touch L next to R) RESTART - you will be facing the back when it happens
(41-48) Back Rock, Recover, ½ Turn L, Pause, Back Rock, Recover, ½ Turn R, Together
1-2, &3-4Rock back on R, recover to L as you make ½ turn L stepping back R, pause
5-6&7-8Rock back on L, recover to R as you make ½ turn R, step back on L, bring R to L taking weight to R (6:00)
End of DANCE!!! Thanks so much! HAVE FUN!
Donna Manning - Donnaz.mkgal@gmail.com - 727-485-7448
1, 2-3-4Stomp L to L diagonal, move R to L moving heel, toe, heel towards the L
5, 6-7-8Stomp R to R diagonal, clap hands 3x (styling - start at knee level, hip level, shoulder height) (12:00 - body angled to 1:30)
(9-16) REPEAT 1st 8
(17-24) Cross Rocking Chair, Charleston
1,2,3,4Rock L across the R, replace weight to R, rock back on the L, replace weight to R
5,6,7,8Step L fwrd, kick R to diagonal, step R back, touch L back (12:00)
(25-32) Weave, Cross, Bounce ½ R
1,2,3,4Cross L over R, step R to R side, step L behind R, step R to R side
5,6,7,8Cross L over R, on the balls of both feet bounce ½ R taking weight to L on count 8 (6:00)
(33-40) Side, Kick, Weave, Kick, Behind, Side
1,2,3,4,5Step R to R side, kick L outside diagonal, step L behind R, R to R side, cross L over R
6,7,8Kick R to outside diagonal, step R behind L, step L to L side (6:00)
***the 4th time you start up front**** replace count 8 with a TOUCH (touch L next to R) RESTART - you will be facing the back when it happens
(41-48) Back Rock, Recover, ½ Turn L, Pause, Back Rock, Recover, ½ Turn R, Together
1-2, &3-4Rock back on R, recover to L as you make ½ turn L stepping back R, pause
5-6&7-8Rock back on L, recover to R as you make ½ turn R, step back on L, bring R to L taking weight to R (6:00)
End of DANCE!!! Thanks so much! HAVE FUN!
Donna Manning - Donnaz.mkgal@gmail.com - 727-485-7448