Low Intermediate Smooth WCS
Basic Whip: Walk ½ t, coaster step, ½ t back, anchor step
1 - 2Step R forward, ½ turn right, step L back
3&4Step R back, step L next to R, step R forward
5 - 6½ right, step L back, step R back
7&8Step L behind right, step R in place, step L in place
Syn. sugar turn: Walk, walk, ball change, turn, turn, back, anchor step
1 - 2Step R, L forward
& 3Step R ball behind L, step L in place
4 - 6½ turn R, step R forward, ½ turn R, step L back, step R back
7 & 8Step L behind R, step R in place, Step L in place
Step sweep, step sweep, rock step ½ turn, ½ turn, anchor step, sweep back R, sweep back L
1 - 2Step R forward, sweep L,step L forward, sweep
3 & 4Step R forward, recover on L, ½ turn R , step R forward
5 & 6½ turn R, step L behind R, step R in place, step L in place
7 - 8sweep R back, sweep L back
Right side pass, walk, walk, ¾ turn, anchor step, R, L sweep f
1 - 2Step R forward, step L forward
3 &4Step R forward with ¼ turn l, turn ¼ l , step L across R, ¼ t. step R back with sweep
5 & 6Step L behind R, step R in place, step L in place
7 - 8Step R forward with sweep, step L forward with sweep
*Restarts: -
*3rd wall, after 8 cts., facing 6 o'clock
*6th wall, after 16cts. , facing 12 o,clock
1 - 2Step R forward, ½ turn right, step L back
3&4Step R back, step L next to R, step R forward
5 - 6½ right, step L back, step R back
7&8Step L behind right, step R in place, step L in place
Syn. sugar turn: Walk, walk, ball change, turn, turn, back, anchor step
1 - 2Step R, L forward
& 3Step R ball behind L, step L in place
4 - 6½ turn R, step R forward, ½ turn R, step L back, step R back
7 & 8Step L behind R, step R in place, Step L in place
Step sweep, step sweep, rock step ½ turn, ½ turn, anchor step, sweep back R, sweep back L
1 - 2Step R forward, sweep L,step L forward, sweep
3 & 4Step R forward, recover on L, ½ turn R , step R forward
5 & 6½ turn R, step L behind R, step R in place, step L in place
7 - 8sweep R back, sweep L back
Right side pass, walk, walk, ¾ turn, anchor step, R, L sweep f
1 - 2Step R forward, step L forward
3 &4Step R forward with ¼ turn l, turn ¼ l , step L across R, ¼ t. step R back with sweep
5 & 6Step L behind R, step R in place, step L in place
7 - 8Step R forward with sweep, step L forward with sweep
*Restarts: -
*3rd wall, after 8 cts., facing 6 o'clock
*6th wall, after 16cts. , facing 12 o,clock