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Bunga Book (Dedicated to Louie)

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Laura Sway (UK), Rob Fowler (ES) & I.C.E. (ES) - December 2020
Bunga Book - Tape Five
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Intro: 16 counts (approx. 12 secs) (1 Restart in Wall 4)
Note: There are some fun arms throughout this dance; please see the demo video.

S1: Right Cross Strut, Left Side Strut, Rock & Step, Cross Left, Back Right, ½ Rumba Box Clock
1&2&Cross right toes over left, drop right heel to floor, touch left toes to left side, drop left heel to floor
3&4Rock right over left, recover onto left, step right to right side
5,6Cross left over right, step back right
7&8Step left to left side, step right beside left, step forward left 12.00
RESTART: During Wall 4, dance up to and including count 8 of S1, then restart facing 9.00
S2: Right Shuffle Forward, Charleston Step, Right Coaster Cross, Run ¾ Turn Left
1&2Step forward right, step left next to right, step forward right
3,4Kick left forward, step back left
5&6Step back right, step left next to right, step right slightly across left
7&8Over left shoulder run around ¾ turn stepping left right left 3.00
S3: Slow V Step With Clicks, Right Shuffle Forward, Left Mambo Forward
1,2Step right out to right diagonal, step left out to left diagonal
(option: at the same time click fingers up to the right, then up to the left)
3,4Step right back to centre, step left next to right
(option: at the same time click fingers down to the right, then down to the left)
5&6Step forward right, step left next to right, step forward right
7&8Rock forward left, recover weight on right, step left in place 3.00
S4: Right Shuffle Back, Left Sailor ¼ Turn, Walk ¾ Turn Left
1&2Step back right, step left next to right, step back right
3&4Cross L behind R making ¼ turn L, step R to R side, step L to L side 12.00
5,6,7,8Over left shoulder walk round ¾ turn left stepping right, left, right, left 3.00
This dance was inspired by the Jungle Book, but dedicated to a beautiful boy who we call "King Louie" and for all the children who are living with "Menkes Disease"

2 評論

Elaine 2020 December 17, 2020
Love this dance Laura.

Pony Chen January 2, 2021

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