CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Canyon Moon

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Aurora de Jong (USA) - November 2020
Canyon Moon - Harry Styles
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Dance begins after a 16 count intro
Restart after 16 counts during Walls 3 & 6

[1-8]: Modified ¼ right Monterey turn, behind side cross, full 3-step turn right with claps, L point left
1&2point R to right (1), step R next to L making ¼ turn right (&), point L to left (2) (3:00)
3&4step L behind R (3), step R to right (&), step L across R (4)
5&6&step R forward turning ¼ right (6:00) (5), clap (&), step L back turning ¼ right (9:00) (6) clap (&)
7&8step R to right turning 1/2 right (7), clap (&), point L to left, squaring up to 3:00 (8)

[9-16]: cross, side rock cross, side rock with 1/4 right turn recover, shuffle forward LRL, step back, 1/2 turn left
1, 2&cross L over R (1), rock R to right (2), recover to L (&)
3, 4&cross R over L (3), rock L to left (4), recover to R turning ¼ right (&) (6:00)
5&6step L forward (6:00) (5), step ball of R to L (&), rock L forward (6)
7-8step back on R (7), step L forward turning ½ left (8) (12:00)
** Restart here during Walls 3 and 6

[17-25]: K step, shuffle forward, chase turn right
1-4K Step: step R diagonally forward (1), touch L to R (&), step L back (2), touch R to L (&), step R diagonally back (3), touch L to R (&), step L forward (4), touch R to L (&)
5&6step R forward (3), step L to R (&), step R forward (4)
7&8step L forward (5), pivot ½ right transferring weight to R (&), step L forward (6) (6:00)

[26-32]: R shuffle ½ turn left , L shuffle ¼ left, scuff & touch & heel & point
1&2step R forward beginning ½ turn left (1), step L to R continuing half turn left (&), step R back completing ½ turn left (2) (12:00)
3&4step L to left making ¼ turn left (3) (9:00), step R to L (&), step L to left (4)
5&6&scuff R forward (5), R step forward (&), touch L toe to R (6), step L back (&), 
7&8&extend R heel forward (7), step R to L (&), point L to left (8), step L to R (&)

The dance ends after 16 counts of Wall 10.  To end at 12:00, change counts 13-16 to the following: [5-8]:  rock L forward (9:00) (5), recover to R (6), step L forward turning ½ left (3:00) (7), step R to right turning ¼ left (8) (12:00)



Last Update: 11 Jan 2025

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