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Everybody Get Nuts

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Phrased Advanced
Cody Flowers (USA), Roy Hadisubroto (IRE) & Fiona Murray (IRE) - April 2020
Everybody Get Nuts (feat. Tha Vill) - Luke Edgemon
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Intro: After 12 counts
Sequence: A, B, A, B, A*, B*, B
Note: 3rd time dancing part A restart into B after 32 counts
#3rd time dancing part B restart into B after 32 counts
Part A
[1 - 8] Walk x2, Lock Knee Pop, Ball Step, Sailor Step, Knee Twist x2
1 - 2Step R forward (1), Step L forward (2) 12:00
3 & 4Lock R behind L while popping L knee (3), Recover on L (&), Step R to R side (4) 12:00
5 & 6Cross L behind R (5), Step R to R side (&), Step L to L side (6) 12:00
7 & 8 &Swivel R knee to L (7), Swivel R knee back to centre and transfer weight onto R (&), Swivel L knee to R (8), Swivel L knee back to centre and transfer weight onto L 12:00

[9 - 16] Jazzbox, ¼ Turn Chasse, Jazzbox Syncopated Weave, ¼ Turn
1 - 2Cross R over L (1), Step L backwards (2) 12:00
3 & 4¼ Turn R Step R to R side (3), Close L next to R (&), Step R to R side (4) 3:00
5 - 6Cross L over R (5), Step R backwards (6) 3:00
& 7 & 8 &Step L to L side (&), Cross R over L (7), Step L to L side (&), Cross R behind L (8), ¼ Turn L Step L forward (&) 12:00

[17 - 24] Pivot Turn, Shuffle, Rock Recover, Shuffle
1 - 2Step R forward (1), ½ Turn L Step L forward (2) 6:00
3 & 4Step R forward (3), Close L next to R (&), Step R forward (4) 6:00
5 - 6Rock L backwards while pushing pelvis backwards (5), Recover on R (6) 6:00
7 & 8Step L forward (7), Close R next to L (&), Step L forward (8) 6:00
Arm Styling : On both shuffles you can push your arms up in the air
Push both arms up infront of body (3), Pull both arms in towards body (&), Push both arms up infront of body (4), Repeat arms for 7 & 8

[25 - 32] Mambo Step, Coaster Step, Out Out Shake, In In Shake
1 & 2Rock R forward (1), Recover onto L (&), Step R backwards (2) 6:00
3 & 4Step L backwards (3), Close R next to L (&), Step L forward (4) 6:00
& 5 & 6Step R into R diagonal (&), Step L into L diagonal and begin to shake body (5), Continue to shake (&6) 6:00
& 7 & 8Step R backwards (&), Close L next to R and shake body (7), Continue to shake (&8) 6:00

[33 - 48] Repeat Counts 17 - 32 of Part A to finish facing 12 o'clock

Part B
[1 - 8] Kick Step, Mambo Cross, Step Lock, Unwind Full Turn, Hip Bumps
1 & 2 & 3Kick R forward (1), Step R forward (&), Rock L to L side (2), Recover on R (&), Cross L over R (3) 12:00
& 4 - 5 - 6Step R into R diagonal (&), Lock L behind R (4), Unwind full turn L (5), Finish unwinding with weight on L (6) 12:00
7 & 8 &Touch R into R diagonal, R hip bump into R diagonal (7), Recover hips back to centre (&), R hip bump into R diagonal (8), Recover hips back to centre, weight finishes on L (&) 12:00

[9 - 16] Weave, Full Turn, Sweep, Step Hitch Drag
1 & 2Cross R behind L (1), Step L to L side (&), Cross R over L (2) 12:00
3 - 4⅛ Turn L Step L forward (3), ½ Turn L Step R backwards (4) 4:30
5 - 6½ Turn L Step L forward while sweeping R heel from back to front (5), Step R forward (6) 10:30
7 - 8Hitch L knee (7), Step L backwards while dragging R (8) 10:30
Arm Styling :On the sweep forward on count 5 you can bring both hands to either side of your mouth as if to shout

[17 - 24] Step Touch x2, Out Out, Ball Step, Hitch with Hip Bumps x2
1 - 2Step R backwards into R diagonal (1), Touch L next to R (2) 10:30
3 - 4Step L backwards into L diagonal (3), Touch R next to L (4) 10:30
& 5 & 6Step R to R side (&), Step L to L side (5), Step R back to centre (&), Step L forward (6) 10:30
7 & 8 &R hip bump to R side while hitching R knee and turning ⅛ Turn L on ball of L (7), Relax hip back to centre while keeping R knee raised (&), R hip bump to R side while hitching R knee and turning ⅛ Turn L on ball of L (8), Relax hip back to centre while keeping R knee raised (&) 4:30

[25 - 32] Step, Hitch with Hip Bump x2, Small Run Backwards x4, Touch Snap
1 - 2⅛ Turn L Step R forward (1), L Hip bump to L side while hitching L knee (2) 6:00
3 - 4Step L forward (3), R Hip bump to R side while hitching R knee (4) 6:00
5 & 6 &Step R backwards (5), Step L backwards (&), Step R backwards (6), Step L backwards (&) 6:00
7 - 8Touch R next to L (7), Snap R to R side (8) 6:00

[33 - 40] Walk x3, ¼ Turn Ball Change, Walk x2, Triple Step
1 - 2 - 3Step R forward (1), Step L forward (2), Step R forward (3) 6:00
&4Step L in place while turning ⅛ Turn R (&), ⅛ Turn R Step R forward (4) 9:00
5 - 6Step L forward (5), Step R forward (6) 9:00
7 - 8Step L forward (7), Step R forward (&), Step L forward (8) 9:00
Styling Option : On the triple step (7&8) you can do boogie walks for extra styling

[41 - 48] Jump Together, Wiggle, ¼ Turn Jump Together, Wiggle, Kick Ball Change, Pelvis Push, Slide
& 1 & 2Step R into R diagonal (&), Touch L next to R (1), Wiggle hips (&2) 9:00
& 3 & 4¼ Turn R Step L to L side (&), Touch R next to L (3), Wiggle hips (&4) 12:00
5 & 6Kick R forward (5), Step R slightly backwards (&), Touch L forward (6) 12:00
& 7 - 8Push Pelvis forward (&), Push pelvis backwards while bending knees to sitting position weight is on R (7), Big step forward on L, pushing away from R (8) 12:00
Arm Styling : On counts 1-4 you can bring both arms to either side of head rolling hands simultaneously forward 'Everybody Get Nuts'

[49 - 64] Repeat Counts 33 - 48 of Part B to finish facing 6 o'clock



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