NOTE: can be done as a partner dance in sweetheart position
Start at 7 seconds with lyrics - Weight on right
Section I Left twinkle, Right twinkle
1-3Cross left over right (facing 1:30), step right to right, step left in place (facing 12:00)
4-6Cross right over left(turning to face 10:30), step left to left, step right in place (turning to face 12:00)
Section II Star turn ¼ left(forward), star turn ¼ left(backward)
1-3Step left to left (turning body ¼ left), step right next to left, step left in place
4-6Step back on right (turning body ¼ left), step left next to right, step right in place
Section III lock step to left diagonal, lock step to right diagonal
1-3step left to diagonal (10:30), lock right behind left, step left forward
4-6step right to diagonal (1:30), lock left behind right, step right forward
Section IV Forward ½ turning right, back, forward(turning ¼ left), together
1-3Step left forward (begin turning body 1/4 to the right). Step right back(turning ¼ right). Step left back.
4-6Step right back next to left, step left forward, step right forward (turning ¼ left)
Begin again. No tags, no restarts. Enjoy!
Contact: seacoastlinedance@gmail.com
Facebook/YouTube: Seacoast Line Dance
Start at 7 seconds with lyrics - Weight on right
Section I Left twinkle, Right twinkle
1-3Cross left over right (facing 1:30), step right to right, step left in place (facing 12:00)
4-6Cross right over left(turning to face 10:30), step left to left, step right in place (turning to face 12:00)
Section II Star turn ¼ left(forward), star turn ¼ left(backward)
1-3Step left to left (turning body ¼ left), step right next to left, step left in place
4-6Step back on right (turning body ¼ left), step left next to right, step right in place
Section III lock step to left diagonal, lock step to right diagonal
1-3step left to diagonal (10:30), lock right behind left, step left forward
4-6step right to diagonal (1:30), lock left behind right, step right forward
Section IV Forward ½ turning right, back, forward(turning ¼ left), together
1-3Step left forward (begin turning body 1/4 to the right). Step right back(turning ¼ right). Step left back.
4-6Step right back next to left, step left forward, step right forward (turning ¼ left)
Begin again. No tags, no restarts. Enjoy!
Contact: seacoastlinedance@gmail.com
Facebook/YouTube: Seacoast Line Dance