CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Not The Only Cowboy

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Wild Bill Hancock (UK) - November 2020
I'm Not the Only Cowboy In the West - Brendan Shine : (Album: Shine, Shine, Shine)
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Intro 16 counts from the beat

Rock, rock, lock step back, behind unwind, skate, skate,
1 - 2Rock forward on right, rock back on left
3 & 4Step back right, close left across right, step back right
5 - 6Cross left behind right, unwind ½ turn left
7 - 8Skate forward right, skate forward left (6 00)

Shuffle, 1/2 turn shuffle, coaster, rock & cross
1 & 2Step forward right, close left to right, step forward right
3 & 4Step left ¼ turn right step, right next to left, turn ¼ right step back on left
5 & 6Step back right, step left next to right, step forward right
7 & 8Rock left to left, recover on right, cross left over right ( 12 00 )

Rock & cross, turn ¼ right, step on left, kick ball change x 2
1 & 2Rock right to right, recover on left, cross right over left
3 - 4Turn ¼ right, step forward left,
5 & 6Kick right forward, step on right, step on left
7 & 8Kick right forward, step on right, step on left ( 3 00)

Rock, rock, shuffle back, rock, rock, shuffle forward
1 - 2Rock forward right, rock back on left
3 & 4Step back on right, close left next to right, step back right
5 - 6Rock back on left, rock forward right
7 & 8Step forward left, close right to left, step forward left ( 3 00 )

Tag 1: end of wall 2 & wall 7.
1 - 2,Rock right to right, recover on left ( 6 00) ( 9 00)

Tag 2: end of wall 3, counts 8, Vine right, Vine left ( 9 00)
1 2 3 4Step right to right step left behind right step right to right, touch left to right
5 6 7 8Step left to left, step right behind left. step left to left, touch right to left

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