CopperKnob Stepsheets

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I Hate Goodbyes

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Rex Allott (UK) - November 2020
Recuerdos - The Mavericks
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Intro - 16 beats.

S1. Walk forward R, L, R, hold, cross shuffle L, hold
1-4.Walk forward R,L,R, hold
5-8.Cross R over L, step L to L, step R over L, hold

S2. Walk back L, R, L, hold, cross shuffle R, hold
1-4.Walk back L,R,L, hold
5-8.Cross L over R, step R to R, step L over R, hold

S3. Vine R, cross step L, cross shuffle back R, L, R
1-2.Step R to R , step L behind R
3-4.Step R to R, cross L over R
5-6.Step R back, step L across R
7-8.Step R back, step L next to R

S4. Weave L, cross shuffle forward R, L, R
1-2.Step R over L, step L to L
3-4.Step R behind L, step L next to R
5-6.Step R forward, step L behind R
7-8.Step R forward, step L behind R

S5. Walk forward L, R, L, hold, cross shuffle R, hold
1-4.Walk forward L,R,L, hold
5-8.Cross L over R, step R to R, step L over R, hold

S6. Walk back R, L, R, hold, cross shuffle L, hold
1-4Walk back R,L,R, hold
5-8.Cross R over L, step L to L, step R over L, hold

S7. Vine L, cross step R, cross shuffle back R, L, R
1-2.Step L to L, step R behind L
3-4.Step L to L, cross R over L
5-6.Step L back behind R, step R back to L of L
7-8.Step L back, step R next to L

S8. Weave R, cross shuffle forward L, R, L
1-2.Cross L over R, step R to R
3-4.Cross L behind R, step R next to L
5-6.Step L forward, step R behind L
7-8.Rpt 5-6#

Tag 1.
S1. Vine L, cross step R, step sway L, R, cross step R
1-2.Step L to L, step R behind L
3-4.Step L to L, step R over L
5-6.Step sway L to L, sway weight back to R
7-8.Step L over R, step R next to L

S2. Vine R, cross step L, step sway R, L, cross step L
1-2.Step R to R, step L behind R
3-4.Step R to R, step L over R
5-6.Step sway R to R, sway weight back to L
7-8.Step R over L, step L next to R

Tag 2.
S1. Step forward R, 1/2 step turn R, R rocking chair
1-2.Step R forward, step L next to R
3-4.Turning 1/2 turn R, step R forward, step L next to R
5-6.Step R forward, step back on L
7-8.Step R back, step R forward on L

S2. Vine R with 1/2 turn L, step sway L, R, return
1-2.Step R to R, turning 1/4 turn L, step L behind R
3-4.Turning 1/4 turn L step R across L, step L to L
5-6.Sway weight L, R
7-8.Step L next to R, step R to R

S3. Rpt S2.

S4. Step forward R, 1/2 step turn R, full step turn R
1-2.Step R forward, step L next to R
3-4.Turning 1/2 turn R, step R forward, step L next to R
5-8.Making full turn R, step R,L,R,L

Tag 1. (S1. Only) after 2nd S6.
Tag 1. After 3rd S6.
Tag1. (S1. Only) after 4th S6.
Tag 1. (S1. Only) & Tag 2. after 7th S4.

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