Phrased Intermediate
Start on the first vocal
Sequence: AA16 Tag 1, BB Tag 2, A Tag 2 AA16 Tag 1, BB Tag 2, A Tag 3, BB Ending
Part A ( 32C )
Section 1 : R weave, L flick, L cross touch, side touch, L cross, R side touch
1,2,3. RF step cross over LF, LF side, RF cross behind
4. LF flick
5,6. LF touch cross over RF, LF side touch
7,8. LF step cross over RF, RF touch next LF
Section 2 : R Step side, L recover, R recover, L touch , L Rock back, R recover, L sweep
1,2,3,4 RF step side, LF recover, RF recover, LF touch beside
( option: R arm up, L arm bending fwd in front of chest as Flamenco dance style )
5,6. LF back, RF recover
7,8. sweep LF back to front, LF step fwd
Section 3: R-L Botafogo,Volta Turn 3/4 R
1&2. RF cross over LF, LF step side, RF recover
3&4. LF cross over RF, RF step side, LF recover
5&6&7&8 Turn 1/4 R, step R forward(5), lock L behind R (&)- turn 1/4 R, step R forward (6)-lock L behind R (&)- turn 1/4 R, step R forward (7)- lock L behind R (&)- step R forward (8) (facing 9.00)
Section 4: L Stomp 3x, R Hitch, Unwind 3/4 Turn L
1&2. LF stomp 3x
3,4. RF hitch, R cross over L
5-8. Unwind 3/4 turn L ( facing 12.00 )
Part B (32C)
Section 1 : R Rock, Recover,Triple step full turn R, L Rock, Recover, Triple step 3/4 turn L
1, 2. RF rock fwd, LF recover
3&4. 1/4 Turn R RF step fwd, 1/2 turn R LF step next, 1/4 turn R RF step fwd ( facing 12.00 )
5,6. LF rock fwd, RF recover
7&8. 1/4 turn L LF step fwd,1/4 turn L RF step next, 1/4 turn L LF step fwd ( facing 3.00 )
Section 2 : R-L Side mambo,R touch fwd,1/2Turn L flick, R shuffle fwd
1&2. RF step side, LF recover, RF next to LF
3&4. LF step side, RF recover, LF next to RF
5,6. RF touch fwd, 1/2 turn L RF flick ( facing 9.00 )
7&8. RF step fwd, LF next to RF, RF step fwd
Section 3: L-R toe struts and hip bumps
1,2. LF touch toes & hip fwd, hip back
3&4 Hip fwd, back, fwd stepping in place
5,6. RF touch toes & hip fwd, hip back
7&8. Hip fwd, back, fwd stepping in place
Section 4 : L-R Mambo, Rock, Recover, Sailor 1/4turn L
1&2. LF rock fwd, RF recover, LF rock back
3&4. RF rock back, LF recover, RF rock fwd
5,6. LF rock fwd, RF recover
7&8. LF cross behind RF,1/4 turn L RF step side , LF step side ( facing 6.00 )
Tag 1: (6C)
1-4 R Stomp 4x
5-6. Hold with Arm styling ( L hand on the waist, R hand up )
Tag 2: (4C) V Step
1-4 R-L out, R-L in ( option: with shimmy )
Tag 3: (6C) Tag 2 + Body Roll
Ending : Tag 2+ Tag 1
Stay safe & happy dancing 💃🕺
Email address :
Indah : memeindah25@gmail.com
Duma : dksiagian20@gmail.com
Sequence: AA16 Tag 1, BB Tag 2, A Tag 2 AA16 Tag 1, BB Tag 2, A Tag 3, BB Ending
Part A ( 32C )
Section 1 : R weave, L flick, L cross touch, side touch, L cross, R side touch
1,2,3. RF step cross over LF, LF side, RF cross behind
4. LF flick
5,6. LF touch cross over RF, LF side touch
7,8. LF step cross over RF, RF touch next LF
Section 2 : R Step side, L recover, R recover, L touch , L Rock back, R recover, L sweep
1,2,3,4 RF step side, LF recover, RF recover, LF touch beside
( option: R arm up, L arm bending fwd in front of chest as Flamenco dance style )
5,6. LF back, RF recover
7,8. sweep LF back to front, LF step fwd
Section 3: R-L Botafogo,Volta Turn 3/4 R
1&2. RF cross over LF, LF step side, RF recover
3&4. LF cross over RF, RF step side, LF recover
5&6&7&8 Turn 1/4 R, step R forward(5), lock L behind R (&)- turn 1/4 R, step R forward (6)-lock L behind R (&)- turn 1/4 R, step R forward (7)- lock L behind R (&)- step R forward (8) (facing 9.00)
Section 4: L Stomp 3x, R Hitch, Unwind 3/4 Turn L
1&2. LF stomp 3x
3,4. RF hitch, R cross over L
5-8. Unwind 3/4 turn L ( facing 12.00 )
Part B (32C)
Section 1 : R Rock, Recover,Triple step full turn R, L Rock, Recover, Triple step 3/4 turn L
1, 2. RF rock fwd, LF recover
3&4. 1/4 Turn R RF step fwd, 1/2 turn R LF step next, 1/4 turn R RF step fwd ( facing 12.00 )
5,6. LF rock fwd, RF recover
7&8. 1/4 turn L LF step fwd,1/4 turn L RF step next, 1/4 turn L LF step fwd ( facing 3.00 )
Section 2 : R-L Side mambo,R touch fwd,1/2Turn L flick, R shuffle fwd
1&2. RF step side, LF recover, RF next to LF
3&4. LF step side, RF recover, LF next to RF
5,6. RF touch fwd, 1/2 turn L RF flick ( facing 9.00 )
7&8. RF step fwd, LF next to RF, RF step fwd
Section 3: L-R toe struts and hip bumps
1,2. LF touch toes & hip fwd, hip back
3&4 Hip fwd, back, fwd stepping in place
5,6. RF touch toes & hip fwd, hip back
7&8. Hip fwd, back, fwd stepping in place
Section 4 : L-R Mambo, Rock, Recover, Sailor 1/4turn L
1&2. LF rock fwd, RF recover, LF rock back
3&4. RF rock back, LF recover, RF rock fwd
5,6. LF rock fwd, RF recover
7&8. LF cross behind RF,1/4 turn L RF step side , LF step side ( facing 6.00 )
Tag 1: (6C)
1-4 R Stomp 4x
5-6. Hold with Arm styling ( L hand on the waist, R hand up )
Tag 2: (4C) V Step
1-4 R-L out, R-L in ( option: with shimmy )
Tag 3: (6C) Tag 2 + Body Roll
Ending : Tag 2+ Tag 1
Stay safe & happy dancing 💃🕺
Email address :
Indah : memeindah25@gmail.com
Duma : dksiagian20@gmail.com