High Beginner
The dance steps are quick
Twice to right side , left touch, right touch
1-2-3-4Step right to right side touch left next to right. Step right to right side touch left next to right.
5-6-7-8Step left to left side touch right next to left. Step right to right side touch left next to right.
Twice to left side, right touch, left touch
1-2-3-4Step left to left side touch right next to left. Step left to left side touch right next to left.
5-6-7-8Step right touch left, step left touch right.
1-2-3-4Step diagonal forward right bring your left foot near the right foot and touch left. Step back diagonal left bring your right foot next to left and touch right.
5-6-7-8Step back diagonal on your right, bring left near right and touch left. Step forward on left, bring right next to left.
Right side mambo, ¼ turn left side mambo
1-2-3-4( mambo) put your right foot to the right side, recover onto your left, touch right next to left, hold.
5-6-7-8(mambo) ¼ turn left as you put your left foot back and recover to the right and touch left next to right, hold. (9:00)
Twice to right side , left touch, right touch
1-2-3-4Step right to right side touch left next to right. Step right to right side touch left next to right.
5-6-7-8Step left to left side touch right next to left. Step right to right side touch left next to right.
Twice to left side, right touch, left touch
1-2-3-4Step left to left side touch right next to left. Step left to left side touch right next to left.
5-6-7-8Step right touch left, step left touch right.
1-2-3-4Step diagonal forward right bring your left foot near the right foot and touch left. Step back diagonal left bring your right foot next to left and touch right.
5-6-7-8Step back diagonal on your right, bring left near right and touch left. Step forward on left, bring right next to left.
Right side mambo, ¼ turn left side mambo
1-2-3-4( mambo) put your right foot to the right side, recover onto your left, touch right next to left, hold.
5-6-7-8(mambo) ¼ turn left as you put your left foot back and recover to the right and touch left next to right, hold. (9:00)