(start on vocals: "The name is Olly" at 20 seconds)
*NOTE: these steps were inspired by Karen Tripp's "Dance with me Tonight" from 2014
Section 1 [1-8] Right Heel, Step, Left Heel, Step , heel splits x 2
1-2tap right heel forward, replace next to left
3-4tap left heel forward, replace next to right
5-6(up on toes a bit) split heels out to sides, return to center
7-8repeat 5-6
Section II [9-16] Vine right, touch, out, in, out, in(touch)
9-12step right to side, step left behind, step right to side, touch left next to right
13-14touch left to left side, touch left next to right
15-16repeat 13-14
Section III [17-24] Vine left, out, in, out, in
17-20Step left to left, step right behind left, step left to left, touch right next to left
21-22touch right to right, touch next to left
23-24repeat 21-22
Section IV [25-32] Step right forward diagonal, touch left next to right, step left backward diagonal (turning ¼ left), touch right next to left, step right to right, touch left next to right, step left to left, touch right next to left
25-28Step right forward diagonal, touch left next to right, step left back, touch right next to left (turning ¼ left)
29-32Step right to right, touch left next to right, step left to left, touch right next to left
End of dance. Enjoy.
Contact: Seacoastlinedance@gmail.com
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfq43wy1OX4XN7eBzDBpYyA
*NOTE: these steps were inspired by Karen Tripp's "Dance with me Tonight" from 2014
Section 1 [1-8] Right Heel, Step, Left Heel, Step , heel splits x 2
1-2tap right heel forward, replace next to left
3-4tap left heel forward, replace next to right
5-6(up on toes a bit) split heels out to sides, return to center
7-8repeat 5-6
Section II [9-16] Vine right, touch, out, in, out, in(touch)
9-12step right to side, step left behind, step right to side, touch left next to right
13-14touch left to left side, touch left next to right
15-16repeat 13-14
Section III [17-24] Vine left, out, in, out, in
17-20Step left to left, step right behind left, step left to left, touch right next to left
21-22touch right to right, touch next to left
23-24repeat 21-22
Section IV [25-32] Step right forward diagonal, touch left next to right, step left backward diagonal (turning ¼ left), touch right next to left, step right to right, touch left next to right, step left to left, touch right next to left
25-28Step right forward diagonal, touch left next to right, step left back, touch right next to left (turning ¼ left)
29-32Step right to right, touch left next to right, step left to left, touch right next to left
End of dance. Enjoy.
Contact: Seacoastlinedance@gmail.com
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfq43wy1OX4XN7eBzDBpYyA