#32 Count Intro
Heel Switches with hook step X2, RLR hook & step, LRL hook & 1/4 turn L
1&2&3&4&Kick R forward & step R next to L, Kick L forward & step L next to R, Kick R forward & hook R across L leg & step R next to L
5&6&7&8&Kick L forward & step L next to R, Kick R forward & step R next to L, Kick L forward & hook L across R leg & turn 1/4 L stepping L (facing 9 O' Clock)
Vine R with Hip Rolls
1 - 4Vine RLR touch L
5 - 8Step down on L while rolling hips to L then rotate hips to R counter-clockwise rotate back L clockwise
Vine L with Hip Rolls
1 - 4Vine LRL touch R
5 - 8Step down on R while rolling hips then rotate hips to L clockwise and rotate back R counter-clockwise
(hip rolls on both sides are 2 counts each)
Step touches forward and step touches back
1 - 4Step R forward touch L to L side, Step L forward touch R to R side
5 - 8Step R back touch L to L side, Step L back touch R to R side
Contact: Bubba Jones Bubbabonds69@gmail.com
Heel Switches with hook step X2, RLR hook & step, LRL hook & 1/4 turn L
1&2&3&4&Kick R forward & step R next to L, Kick L forward & step L next to R, Kick R forward & hook R across L leg & step R next to L
5&6&7&8&Kick L forward & step L next to R, Kick R forward & step R next to L, Kick L forward & hook L across R leg & turn 1/4 L stepping L (facing 9 O' Clock)
Vine R with Hip Rolls
1 - 4Vine RLR touch L
5 - 8Step down on L while rolling hips to L then rotate hips to R counter-clockwise rotate back L clockwise
Vine L with Hip Rolls
1 - 4Vine LRL touch R
5 - 8Step down on R while rolling hips then rotate hips to L clockwise and rotate back R counter-clockwise
(hip rolls on both sides are 2 counts each)
Step touches forward and step touches back
1 - 4Step R forward touch L to L side, Step L forward touch R to R side
5 - 8Step R back touch L to L side, Step L back touch R to R side
Contact: Bubba Jones Bubbabonds69@gmail.com