CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Indahwati Rahardja (INA) & Ayu Asha (INA) - September 2020
Boys - Sabrina : (Live 4K HD)
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Section 1: Walk R L, hip bump R,L,R (options with the arms styling )
1,2 Walk fwd R,L
3&4. Hip bump R ( option: raise both arms )
5&6. Hip bump L ( option: lower both arms to the side )
7&8. Hip bump R ( option: rolling hands on the R side )

Section 2 : Single hip bump L, R, double hip bump L ( hands style John Travolta ),back shuffle R, L
1,2. Single hip bump L ( point R index finger up diagonal ), single hip bump R ( point R index finger down )
3&4. Double hip bump L ( point R index finger up diagonal )
5&6. RF step back, LF next to RF, RF step back
7&8. LF step back, RF next to LF, LF step back

Section 3: Coaster step R, LF fwd,1/4 turn L make RF hitch, walk back R,L,R,close together
1&2. RF step back, LF next to RF, RF step fwd
3,4. LF step fwd, 1/4 turn L RF hitch ( 9.00 )
5-8. Walk back R,L,R,close together

Section 4: Skate R,L,R,L ( option: with the fingers movement ),1/8 paddle turns L (x4)
1-4. Skate R,L,R,L
5&. RF step fwd make 1/8 turn L, recover LF (7.30)
6&. RF step fwd make 1/8 turn L, recover LF (6.00)
7&. RF step fwd make 1/8 turn L, recover LF (4.30)
8&. RF step fwd make 1/8 turn L, recover LF ( 3.00)

Section 5: Cross touch,side touch,hitch,close together
1,2,3,4 RF cross touch over LF, RF step side touch, RF hitch, RF close together
5,6,7,8 LF cross touch over RF, LF step side touch, LF hitch, LF close together

Section 6: Step back on heel R,L,R,L, Coaster step,Fwd 1/4 turn R, close together
1,2. RF step back and LF on heel, LF step back and RF on heel
3,4. RF step back and LF on heel, LF step back and RF on heel
5&6. RF step back, LF close together, RF step fwd
7,8. RF step fwd and 1/4 turn R, LF close next RF ( 6.00 )

Section 7: L toe strut & hip bumps , R toe strut & hip bumps ( with the hands rolling ),L hip bumps 4x (make a big circle on the R arm )
1&2. L toe strut & hip bumps to the L,R,L
3&4. R toe strut & hip bumps to the R,L,R
5&6&7&8 LF touch to the side and hip bumps to the L,R,L,R,L,R,L,R

Section 8: LF Close, RF cross,1/4 turn R & LF step back ,1/4 turn R & RF step fwd, LF close , R toe strut & hip bumps, L toe strut & hip bumps ( with the hands rolling )
&1. LF close to the RF, RF cross over LF
2,3,4 1/4 turn R & LF step back, 1/4 turn R & RF step fwd, LF close ( 12.00 )
5&6. R toe strut & hip bumps to the R,L,R
7&8. L toe strut & hip bumps to the L,R,L

Restart : on wall 2&4 after section 6 (with the change steps on the count (47,48) , LF fwd ¼ turn L, RF touch next to the LF ( 12.00 ),then restart from the beginning .

Enjoy the dance

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5 評論

Rh171 September 12, 2020
Keren ci Indah 👍👍

Hann21921 September 12, 2020
The dance is lively and joyful as life should be. Very nice work. Thanks.

Erni September 12, 2020
Very Nice darling 👍👏👏💃

Selvin September 12, 2020
Nice Choreo 👍👍😍

Teddy Bandung September 13, 2020
Wooow.... Moantaaab 👍

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