CopperKnob Stepsheets

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One Night in Dubai

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Mark Furnell (UK) & Chris Godden (UK) - August 2020
#24 Count Intro -
Note: Start with right toe pointed forward

[01 - 08]: Heel Twists, Coaster Step, Heel Twists, Back Sweep, Back Sweep
&1&2Twist right heel out, twist right heel in, twist right heel out, twist right heel in
Optional Arms: Raise left hand in front of face twist wrist (like screwing in a light bulb) twice
3&4Step right back, step left beside right, step right forward
&5&6Touch left forward twisting left heel out, twist left heel in, twist left heel out, twist left heel in
Optional Arms: Raise right hand in front of face twist wrist (like screwing in a light bulb) twice
7Step left back sweeping right from front to back
8Step right back sweeping left from front to back

[09 - 16]: Sailor Step, Sailor Step, ¾ Volta Turn
1&2Step left behind right, step right to right, step left to left
3&4Step right behind left, step left to left, step right to right
5&Turn ⅛ left cross left over right, turn ⅛ left step right to right (9:00)
6&Turn ⅛ left cross left over right, turn ⅛ left step right to right (6:00)
7&8Turn ⅛ left cross left over right, turn ⅛ left step right to right, step left forward (3:00)

[17 - 24]: Mambo Step, Back Pop, Back Pop, Sways, Triple Step
1&2Rock right forward, recover weight onto left, step right back
3-4Step left back popping right knee forward, step right back popping left knee forward
5-6Step left to left sway hips left, sway hips right
Optional Arms: Raise right hand in front of face, left arm to left circling left wrist
7&8Step left beside right, step right beside left, step left beside right
Optional Arms: Bring hands together in front of chest

[25 - 32]: Side Rock Cross, & Cross & Cross, Side Rock Cross, Side, Touch, Side Point
1&2Rock right to right, recover weight onto left, cross right over left
&3&4Step left beside right, cross right over left, step left beside right, cross right over left
5&6Rock left to left, recover weight onto right, cross left over right
&7&8Step right to right, touch left beside right, step left to left, point right forward

2 評論

571029 September 11, 2020
Nice little dance, love the music xx

Tom @ CRRC November 11, 2020
Good music, good dance, but please rewrite your stepsheet to correctly specify samba rhythm. At first glance it looks like every & in sections 2, 3 and 4 should be an a.

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