Toe Heel Struts with Jazzbox
1,2Toe,heel forward with right
3,4Toe,heel forward with left
5,6Step right forward,cross left over right
7,8step back on right,step left next to right
Repeat steps 1-8
1,2Step right to side,cross left behind right
3,4Step right to side,cross left over right
5.6step right to side,cross left behind right
7,8step right to side,hold
1,2Step left to side,cross right behind left
3,4Step left to side,cross right over left
5.6step left to side,cross right behind left
7,8step left to side,hold
Steps,Scuffs,1/4 CW Turns,Touches
1,2step forward on right,scuff left
3step forward on left,
4scuff right making ¼ CW turn
5,6step right making ¼ CW Turn,Scuff lefta
7,8step forward on left,touch right
Forward Walk/w scuff, Backwards Walk w/touch
1-4walk forward... right,left,right,scuff left
5-8walk backwards ... left,right,left,touch right
Tag : On wall 3 stop at count 32
Repeat steps 1-32 then restart on vocals
Finish at wall 10 stop at count 32
Last Site Update - 8 Oct. 2021-R2
1,2Toe,heel forward with right
3,4Toe,heel forward with left
5,6Step right forward,cross left over right
7,8step back on right,step left next to right
Repeat steps 1-8
1,2Step right to side,cross left behind right
3,4Step right to side,cross left over right
5.6step right to side,cross left behind right
7,8step right to side,hold
1,2Step left to side,cross right behind left
3,4Step left to side,cross right over left
5.6step left to side,cross right behind left
7,8step left to side,hold
Steps,Scuffs,1/4 CW Turns,Touches
1,2step forward on right,scuff left
3step forward on left,
4scuff right making ¼ CW turn
5,6step right making ¼ CW Turn,Scuff lefta
7,8step forward on left,touch right
Forward Walk/w scuff, Backwards Walk w/touch
1-4walk forward... right,left,right,scuff left
5-8walk backwards ... left,right,left,touch right
Tag : On wall 3 stop at count 32
Repeat steps 1-32 then restart on vocals
Finish at wall 10 stop at count 32
Last Site Update - 8 Oct. 2021-R2