*Heel, Hook, Heel, Heel x2
1&2&Tap right heel forward, hook over left knee, tap right heel forward, step right next to left
3&Tap left heel forward, step left next to right
4&Tap right heel forward, step right next to left
5&6&Tap left heel forward, hook over right knee, tap left heel forward, step left next to right
7&Tap right heel forward, step right next to left
8&Tap left heel forward, step left next to right
*Walk, Walk, Shuffle Forward, ½ turn, Walk, Skuff
1-2Step right forward, step left forward
3&4Shuffle forward, right, left, right
5-6step left forward ½ turn to the right (weight on right) 6 :00
7-8step left forward, Skuff right
*Shuffle to Right, Rock Step, Shuffle to Left, Rock Step
1&2Step right to right side, step left next to right, step right to right side
3-4Rock step back with left, recover weight on right
5&6Step left to leftt side, step right next to left, step left to left side
7-8Rock step back with right, recover weight on left
*Walks ¾ turn, Jazz Box
1-4Make ¾ turn to the Left with right, left, right, left 09 :00
5-6Cross right, over left, , walk back left
7-8Step right to right, step left forward
Restarts : after 16 counts
Wall 4 on 09 :00
Wall 9 on 03 : 00
1&2&Tap right heel forward, hook over left knee, tap right heel forward, step right next to left
3&Tap left heel forward, step left next to right
4&Tap right heel forward, step right next to left
5&6&Tap left heel forward, hook over right knee, tap left heel forward, step left next to right
7&Tap right heel forward, step right next to left
8&Tap left heel forward, step left next to right
*Walk, Walk, Shuffle Forward, ½ turn, Walk, Skuff
1-2Step right forward, step left forward
3&4Shuffle forward, right, left, right
5-6step left forward ½ turn to the right (weight on right) 6 :00
7-8step left forward, Skuff right
*Shuffle to Right, Rock Step, Shuffle to Left, Rock Step
1&2Step right to right side, step left next to right, step right to right side
3-4Rock step back with left, recover weight on right
5&6Step left to leftt side, step right next to left, step left to left side
7-8Rock step back with right, recover weight on left
*Walks ¾ turn, Jazz Box
1-4Make ¾ turn to the Left with right, left, right, left 09 :00
5-6Cross right, over left, , walk back left
7-8Step right to right, step left forward
Restarts : after 16 counts
Wall 4 on 09 :00
Wall 9 on 03 : 00