#16 count intro - No tags or restarts
S1: Step lock & step lock &, rock recover, coaster cross
1-2&Step R fwd to right diagonal, lock L behind R, step R fwd
3-4&Step L fwd to left diagonal, lock R behind L, step L fwd
5-6Rock R fwd, recover L
7&8Step R back, step L beside R, cross R over L
S2: Side behind turn 1/4 L step, step/bump slowly shifting weight left
1-4Step L to left, step R behind L, turn 1/4 left step L fwd, step R fwd 9:00
5-8Step L/bump L to left side 3 times, touch R beside L
S3: Side together, turn 1/4 R shuffle, step, turn 1/4 bounce bounce bounce
1-2Step R to right side, step L beside R
3&4Turn 1/4 R shuffle fwd R L R 12:00
5-8Step L fwd, turn 1/4 R bend knees & bounce heels 3 times as you turn (weight to L) 3:00
S4: Rocking chair, step touch/clap (R & L)
1-4Rock R fwd, recover L, rock R back, recover L
5-6Step R up to right diagonal, touch L beside R/clap
7-8Step L up to left diagonal, touch R beside L/clap
S1: Step lock & step lock &, rock recover, coaster cross
1-2&Step R fwd to right diagonal, lock L behind R, step R fwd
3-4&Step L fwd to left diagonal, lock R behind L, step L fwd
5-6Rock R fwd, recover L
7&8Step R back, step L beside R, cross R over L
S2: Side behind turn 1/4 L step, step/bump slowly shifting weight left
1-4Step L to left, step R behind L, turn 1/4 left step L fwd, step R fwd 9:00
5-8Step L/bump L to left side 3 times, touch R beside L
S3: Side together, turn 1/4 R shuffle, step, turn 1/4 bounce bounce bounce
1-2Step R to right side, step L beside R
3&4Turn 1/4 R shuffle fwd R L R 12:00
5-8Step L fwd, turn 1/4 R bend knees & bounce heels 3 times as you turn (weight to L) 3:00
S4: Rocking chair, step touch/clap (R & L)
1-4Rock R fwd, recover L, rock R back, recover L
5-6Step R up to right diagonal, touch L beside R/clap
7-8Step L up to left diagonal, touch R beside L/clap