Dance starts after intro of 16 counts
Restarts on 2nd and 5th wall after 2nd section
When you do the scissor step right before the restarts, instead of cross step R over L, cross TOUCH R over L, so that the weight is still on you L
Tags after 3rd and 7th walls
Tag: Grapevine with full turn
1, 2, 3, 4Step R to R, Step L behind R, Step R to R turning 1/4 R (3:00), Step L forward,
5, 6, 7, 8Step R forward making 1/2 R pivot turn (9:00), Step L forward turning 1/4 R (12:00), Step R behind L, Step L to L
Section 1: Walk, Shuffle forward, Rock recover, behind side cross
1, 2Step R forward, Step L forward
3, &, 4Step R forward, Step L next to R, Step R forward
5, 6Rock Step L forward, Recover on R
7, &, 8Cross L behind R, Step R next to L, Cross L over R
Section 2: Syncopated side rock, 1/4 sailor L turn, R scissor step
1, 2, &Side Rock on R, Recover on L, Step R next to L
3, 4Side Rock on L, Recover on R
5, & 6Cross L behind R, Step R forward making unwind 1/4 turn L (3:00), Step L next to R
7, &, 8Step R to R, Step L next to R, Cross step R over L (Cross TOUCH R over L on restart walls -2nd and 5th)
Section 3: Rock recover shuffle 1/2 L turn, R half pivot, shuffle forward with L 1/2 turn
1, 2Rock step L forward, Recover weight on R
3, &, 4Step L backward turning 1/4 L, Step R next to L, Step L to L turning 1/4 L (9:00)
5, 6Step R forward, pivot turn 1/2 to L (3:00)
7, &, 8Step R forward turning 1/4 L, Step L next to R, Step R to R turning 1/4 L (9:00)
Section 4: Rock back recover, behind side cross, rock front toe touch, rock back heel touch
1, 2Rock step L backward, Recover weight on R
3, &, 4Cross L behind R, Step R next to L, Cross L over R
5, 6Rock Step R forward, Touch L toe
7, 8Rock Step L backward, Touch R heel
Restarts on 2nd and 5th wall after 2nd section
When you do the scissor step right before the restarts, instead of cross step R over L, cross TOUCH R over L, so that the weight is still on you L
Tags after 3rd and 7th walls
Tag: Grapevine with full turn
1, 2, 3, 4Step R to R, Step L behind R, Step R to R turning 1/4 R (3:00), Step L forward,
5, 6, 7, 8Step R forward making 1/2 R pivot turn (9:00), Step L forward turning 1/4 R (12:00), Step R behind L, Step L to L
Section 1: Walk, Shuffle forward, Rock recover, behind side cross
1, 2Step R forward, Step L forward
3, &, 4Step R forward, Step L next to R, Step R forward
5, 6Rock Step L forward, Recover on R
7, &, 8Cross L behind R, Step R next to L, Cross L over R
Section 2: Syncopated side rock, 1/4 sailor L turn, R scissor step
1, 2, &Side Rock on R, Recover on L, Step R next to L
3, 4Side Rock on L, Recover on R
5, & 6Cross L behind R, Step R forward making unwind 1/4 turn L (3:00), Step L next to R
7, &, 8Step R to R, Step L next to R, Cross step R over L (Cross TOUCH R over L on restart walls -2nd and 5th)
Section 3: Rock recover shuffle 1/2 L turn, R half pivot, shuffle forward with L 1/2 turn
1, 2Rock step L forward, Recover weight on R
3, &, 4Step L backward turning 1/4 L, Step R next to L, Step L to L turning 1/4 L (9:00)
5, 6Step R forward, pivot turn 1/2 to L (3:00)
7, &, 8Step R forward turning 1/4 L, Step L next to R, Step R to R turning 1/4 L (9:00)
Section 4: Rock back recover, behind side cross, rock front toe touch, rock back heel touch
1, 2Rock step L backward, Recover weight on R
3, &, 4Cross L behind R, Step R next to L, Cross L over R
5, 6Rock Step R forward, Touch L toe
7, 8Rock Step L backward, Touch R heel