Phrased Improver
Phrased: A tag A A(32) BBB A(16) AA
Part A :
Sec A1 : Vine to the R, Touch, Vine to the L, Touch
1-4 RF side,LF cross behind,RF side, LF touch beside
5-8 LF side,RF cross behind,LF side, RF touch beside
Sec A2: Diagonal R fwd Shuffle, Touch, Diagonal L fwd Shuffle, Touch
1-4 RF fwd, LF behind,RF fwd, LF touch beside
5-8 LF fwd, RF behind, LF fwd, RF touch beside
Sec A3: RF Rocking Chair, RF Paddle 1/4 turn L ( 2x ) Face 6.00
1-4 RF fwd, LF recover, RF backward, LF recover
5-8 RF fwd,1/4 turn L LF recover,RF fwd, 1/4 turn L LF recover
Sec A4 : RF Weave to the L , Touch, LF Weave to the R , Touch
1-4 RF cross over L, LF side, RF cross behind, LF touch to the side
5-8 LF cross over R, RF side, LF cross behind, RF touch to the side
Sec A5: RF Walk fwd,L,R,L touch beside, touch side, touch beside,touch side,touch beside
1-4 RF fwd, LF fwd, RF fwd,LF touch beside
5-8 LF touch side, LF touch beside, LF touch side, LF touch beside
Sec A6: LF Walk backward, R,L,R touch beside, touch side, touch beside,touch side,touch beside
1-4 LF backward , RF back, LF back, RF touch beside
5-8 RF touch side, RF touch beside, RF touch side, RF touch beside
Part B :
Sec B1 : RF Step Side ,LF Touch, LF Step Side, RF Touch ( Repeat )
1-4 RF step side, LF touch, LF step side, RF touch
5-8. Repeat
Sec B2: RF Cross, LF Cross, RF back,LF close ( Repeat )
1-4 RF cross, LF cross, RF back,LF close together
5-8 Repeat
Sec B3: Turn R heel out, L, R double , Turn L heel out, R,L double
1-4 Turn R heel out, L, R, R
5-8 Turn L heel out, R, L, L
TAG: ( After wall 1 )
Unwind, pointing to the front
1-4 RF cross behind, unwind 1/2turn to the R, body weight on LF, pointing
Restarts :-
• Wall 3 is only 32 counts, then Restart with the part B
• Wall 7 is only 16 counts, then Restart with the part A
Have fun & happy dancing
Indah by email - memeindah25@gmail.com
Daisy by email - daisyrdewi@gmail.com
Part A :
Sec A1 : Vine to the R, Touch, Vine to the L, Touch
1-4 RF side,LF cross behind,RF side, LF touch beside
5-8 LF side,RF cross behind,LF side, RF touch beside
Sec A2: Diagonal R fwd Shuffle, Touch, Diagonal L fwd Shuffle, Touch
1-4 RF fwd, LF behind,RF fwd, LF touch beside
5-8 LF fwd, RF behind, LF fwd, RF touch beside
Sec A3: RF Rocking Chair, RF Paddle 1/4 turn L ( 2x ) Face 6.00
1-4 RF fwd, LF recover, RF backward, LF recover
5-8 RF fwd,1/4 turn L LF recover,RF fwd, 1/4 turn L LF recover
Sec A4 : RF Weave to the L , Touch, LF Weave to the R , Touch
1-4 RF cross over L, LF side, RF cross behind, LF touch to the side
5-8 LF cross over R, RF side, LF cross behind, RF touch to the side
Sec A5: RF Walk fwd,L,R,L touch beside, touch side, touch beside,touch side,touch beside
1-4 RF fwd, LF fwd, RF fwd,LF touch beside
5-8 LF touch side, LF touch beside, LF touch side, LF touch beside
Sec A6: LF Walk backward, R,L,R touch beside, touch side, touch beside,touch side,touch beside
1-4 LF backward , RF back, LF back, RF touch beside
5-8 RF touch side, RF touch beside, RF touch side, RF touch beside
Part B :
Sec B1 : RF Step Side ,LF Touch, LF Step Side, RF Touch ( Repeat )
1-4 RF step side, LF touch, LF step side, RF touch
5-8. Repeat
Sec B2: RF Cross, LF Cross, RF back,LF close ( Repeat )
1-4 RF cross, LF cross, RF back,LF close together
5-8 Repeat
Sec B3: Turn R heel out, L, R double , Turn L heel out, R,L double
1-4 Turn R heel out, L, R, R
5-8 Turn L heel out, R, L, L
TAG: ( After wall 1 )
Unwind, pointing to the front
1-4 RF cross behind, unwind 1/2turn to the R, body weight on LF, pointing
Restarts :-
• Wall 3 is only 32 counts, then Restart with the part B
• Wall 7 is only 16 counts, then Restart with the part A
Have fun & happy dancing
Indah by email - memeindah25@gmail.com
Daisy by email - daisyrdewi@gmail.com