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Six Feet Deep

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Hiroko Carlsson (AUS) - June 2020
Six Feet Deep - Besomorph & Neoni : (iTunes)
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(Dance starts on lyrics “One Shot” / 16 counts intro)

[S1] Side Rock-Cross, Point, Close, Cross-1/4R-Side-Cross(Touch)-1/8R, Step-Pivot 1/2R
1 2&Rock L to the side, Recover weight on R, Cross L over R
3 4Touch/point R to the right, Bring/drag R in (weight on L)
5&6Cross R over L, Make a 1/4 turn right stepping back on L, Step R to the side (3:00)
&7Cross touch L toe over R, Make a 1/8 turn right on ball of right foot and bring L together (weight on R) (4:30)
8&Step forward on L, Make a 1/2 turn right recover weight on R (10:30)

[S2] Fwd, Step-Paddle 1/4L, Run-Run-Fwd Rock-1/2R Fwd, 2x Syncopated Pivot 1/2R, Fwd-3/4L(-1/4L into Left NC Step)
1 2&Step forward on L, Step forward on R, Make a 1/4 turn left recover weight on L (7:30)
3&4&Step forward on R Step forward on L, Rock/step forward on R, Recover weight on L
5 6&Make a 1/2 turn right stepping forward on R*** (1:30), Step forward on L, Make a 1/2 turn right recover weight on R (7:30)
7&Step forward on L, Make a 1/2 turn right recover weight on R (1:30)
8&Step forward on L, Make a 3/8turn left stepping back on R** (9:00)

[S3] 1/4L Left NC Step, Side-Behind-1/4R-1/2R, Right NC Step, Side-Behind-1/4L-1/2L-Together
1 2&Make a 1/4 turn left stepping L to the side, Rock R behind L, Replace/recover weight on L (6:00)
3&Step R to the side, Step L behind R
4&Making a 1/4 turn right stepping forward on R, Make a 1/2 turn right stepping back on L (3:00)
5 6&Step R to the side, Rock L behind R, Replace/recover weight on R
7&Step L to the side, Step R behind L
8&1Make a 1/4 turn left stepping forward on L, Make a 1/2 turn left stepping back on R, Step L together (6:00)

[S4] Prissy, Cross Rock-1/4L, Side w/ Spiral 3/4L, Fwd Rock-Behind-1/4R-Step-Pivot-1/2R
2 3&Step R across L, Step/rock L across R, Replace/recover weight on R
4 5Make a 1/4 turn left stepping forward on L (3:00), Step R to the side and make a 3/4L spiral turn (6:00)
6&Rock forward on L, Recover weight on R
7&Step L behind R, Make a 1/4 turn right stepping forward on R (9:00)
8&Step forward on L, Make a 1/2 turn right recover weight on R (3:00)– Make a 1/4 turn right on the ball of your R foot and start the next wall (6:00)-

Restart + Tag: On wall 2 count 16&** - 1/4L-Nightclub Two Steps Left & Right (12:00)
1 2&Make a 1/4 turn left stepping L to the side, Rock R behind L, Replace/recover weight on L
3 4&Step R to the side, Rock L behind R, Replace/recover weight on R (12:00)

Restart & Step Changes: On wall 3 Dance up to count 8, then
[S2] Step changes – Fwd, Step-Pivot 3/8L, Fwd, Drag/In
1 2&Step forward on L, Step forward on R, Make a 3/8 turn left recover weight on L (6:00)
3 4Step forward on R, Drag L close to R (weight ends on R)

The last wall: Dance up to count 13***, Make a 3/8 right pivot turn to the front.

Please feel free to contact me if you need any further information.(
(updated: 24/June/20)

1 評論

Squidgy June 25, 2020
You interpret the music so well, Hiroko. :-) I just wish I was young and fit enough to do this one. Keep on dancing. :-) xx

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