Phrased Intermediate
Section 'B' is danced at the end of wall 1 and 3 and is danced again after 40 counts on wall 2.
Wall 4 has a ending to finish facing front replacing the last 12 counts of Section A.
SECTION A - 48 counts
Kick ball step swing, swing, step, coaster step, & shuffle
1&2&34Kick right foot forward, step back onto right foot, step forward onto left, swing heels left then centre, step back onto left.
5&67&8Step back right, close with left, step forward onto right. Step forward left, close with right step forward left.
Reverse rumba box ¼ turn. Forward rumba box
1&2,3&4Step right to side, close with left, step back into right, step left close with right, step ¼ turn onto left.
5&67&8Step right to side, close with the left, step forward onto right, step left to side, close with right, step back onto left.
Coaster step, Mambo ½ ,½ turn ½ turn, shuffle
1&2,3&4Step back onto right, close left to right, step forward onto right. Rock forward onto left recover onto right, half turn to the left onto left foot.
567&8Turning to the left half onto right, half turn onto left. Then right forward close left to right step forward onto right.
Step pivot cross shuffle, side close shuffle
12&3&4Step forward onto left foot, step forward onto right.1/4 pivot onto left, cross right over left, step left to left,cross right over left.
567&8Step the left to the left, close the right to the left, Left foot forward. Close right to left, step forward onto right.
*ENDING wall 4
Side close shuffle, Sway,sway chasse,
123&4Step to the right, close with the left. Right foot forward, close with left, right foot forward.
567&8Sway onto left foot, sway onto right foot, step onto the left, close right to left, step left.
Sway, sway chasse. Cross rock step hold
123&4Sway onto right foot, sway onto left foot, step onto right, close left to right step onto right.
5678Cross left foot over right, recover onto right, step to the left & hold
Wall 4 ending * replaces last 12 counts with
Rock recover, shuffle half, Walk walk shuffle
123&4Rock forward onto left, recover weight onto right, turning over left shoulder left close right step forward onto left.
567&8Walk right left, right close left to right step onto right
Side close shuffle forward
123&4Step to the left, close with the right. Step left close with right step onto left Finish.
Section B – 32 counts danced on song choruses
Cross rock, shuffle back, Toe turn Shuffle
123&4Cross right over the left,onto a diagonal, recover onto left. Back right close left to right, step back onto right.
567&8Touch left toe back unwind a 1/2 turn onto it, right foot forward close left to it, step forward onto right.
Cross ¼ back shuffle, Rock recover shuffle
123&4Cross left over right, step back ¼ turn onto right, Left back close right to left, step back onto left.
567&8Rock back onto right, recover weight onto left, Right foot forward, close left to right,step forward onto right
Push recover shuffle, Push recover shuffle
123&4Push left foot forward, recover weight into right, left foot forward close with right, step onto left.
567&8Push right foot forward, recover weight onto left, right foot forward, close with left, step forward onto right.
Cross rock ½ hold pivot ¼ Kick ball change
1234Cross left over right, recover onto right, ½ turn to the left onto the left. Hold.
567&8Step forward onto right foot, pivot ¼ to left, right kick ball change.
Wall 4 has a ending to finish facing front replacing the last 12 counts of Section A.
SECTION A - 48 counts
Kick ball step swing, swing, step, coaster step, & shuffle
1&2&34Kick right foot forward, step back onto right foot, step forward onto left, swing heels left then centre, step back onto left.
5&67&8Step back right, close with left, step forward onto right. Step forward left, close with right step forward left.
Reverse rumba box ¼ turn. Forward rumba box
1&2,3&4Step right to side, close with left, step back into right, step left close with right, step ¼ turn onto left.
5&67&8Step right to side, close with the left, step forward onto right, step left to side, close with right, step back onto left.
Coaster step, Mambo ½ ,½ turn ½ turn, shuffle
1&2,3&4Step back onto right, close left to right, step forward onto right. Rock forward onto left recover onto right, half turn to the left onto left foot.
567&8Turning to the left half onto right, half turn onto left. Then right forward close left to right step forward onto right.
Step pivot cross shuffle, side close shuffle
12&3&4Step forward onto left foot, step forward onto right.1/4 pivot onto left, cross right over left, step left to left,cross right over left.
567&8Step the left to the left, close the right to the left, Left foot forward. Close right to left, step forward onto right.
*ENDING wall 4
Side close shuffle, Sway,sway chasse,
123&4Step to the right, close with the left. Right foot forward, close with left, right foot forward.
567&8Sway onto left foot, sway onto right foot, step onto the left, close right to left, step left.
Sway, sway chasse. Cross rock step hold
123&4Sway onto right foot, sway onto left foot, step onto right, close left to right step onto right.
5678Cross left foot over right, recover onto right, step to the left & hold
Wall 4 ending * replaces last 12 counts with
Rock recover, shuffle half, Walk walk shuffle
123&4Rock forward onto left, recover weight onto right, turning over left shoulder left close right step forward onto left.
567&8Walk right left, right close left to right step onto right
Side close shuffle forward
123&4Step to the left, close with the right. Step left close with right step onto left Finish.
Section B – 32 counts danced on song choruses
Cross rock, shuffle back, Toe turn Shuffle
123&4Cross right over the left,onto a diagonal, recover onto left. Back right close left to right, step back onto right.
567&8Touch left toe back unwind a 1/2 turn onto it, right foot forward close left to it, step forward onto right.
Cross ¼ back shuffle, Rock recover shuffle
123&4Cross left over right, step back ¼ turn onto right, Left back close right to left, step back onto left.
567&8Rock back onto right, recover weight onto left, Right foot forward, close left to right,step forward onto right
Push recover shuffle, Push recover shuffle
123&4Push left foot forward, recover weight into right, left foot forward close with right, step onto left.
567&8Push right foot forward, recover weight onto left, right foot forward, close with left, step forward onto right.
Cross rock ½ hold pivot ¼ Kick ball change
1234Cross left over right, recover onto right, ½ turn to the left onto the left. Hold.
567&8Step forward onto right foot, pivot ¼ to left, right kick ball change.