Wait: 16 [Start on vocals]
Stomp right, brush left, heel touch left, coaster step
1&2, 3&4Stomp right foot, brush up left heel and touch left heel down, coaster step starting with left foot
5&6, 7&8Stomp right foot, brush up left heel and touch left heel down, coaster step starting with left foot
9&10Shuffle forward starting with R Foot
11-12Pivot ½ right [Step forward on left, turn right and step on right foot]
13-16Two shuffles forward starting with left foot
Repeat above sequence starting with left foot stomp, brush right, heel touch right, coaster step
Mambo right, Mambo left, Mambo forward, Mambo backward
33&34Right foot to right, recover left on left. Step right foot next to left
35&36Left foot to left, recover on right. Step left foot next to right
37&38Right foot forward, recover back on left. Step right foot next to left
39&40.Left foot back, recover on right. Step left foot next to right
Step, Kick, Coaster Step X2
41, 42, 43&44Step on right foot, kick left foot forward (clap), coaster step
45, 46, 47&48Step on right foot, kick left foot forward (clap), coaster step
Rock, recover, turn shuffle ½ right, rock, recover, sailor step ¼ turn left
49, 50,51 &52Step forward on right, recover on left, shuffle ½ right
53, 54, 55&56Step forward on left, recover on right, sweep left foot ¼ left. Step left, right left
57-60Jazz Box – Cross right over left, step back on left, step right to right, step left next to right
61-64Jazz Box – Cross right over left, step back on left, step right to right, step left next to right
Start over – No Tags or Restarts!
For questions contact Gaylynn Brenoel 989-305-2959
E-mail: gbrenoel@hotmail.com
Stomp right, brush left, heel touch left, coaster step
1&2, 3&4Stomp right foot, brush up left heel and touch left heel down, coaster step starting with left foot
5&6, 7&8Stomp right foot, brush up left heel and touch left heel down, coaster step starting with left foot
9&10Shuffle forward starting with R Foot
11-12Pivot ½ right [Step forward on left, turn right and step on right foot]
13-16Two shuffles forward starting with left foot
Repeat above sequence starting with left foot stomp, brush right, heel touch right, coaster step
Mambo right, Mambo left, Mambo forward, Mambo backward
33&34Right foot to right, recover left on left. Step right foot next to left
35&36Left foot to left, recover on right. Step left foot next to right
37&38Right foot forward, recover back on left. Step right foot next to left
39&40.Left foot back, recover on right. Step left foot next to right
Step, Kick, Coaster Step X2
41, 42, 43&44Step on right foot, kick left foot forward (clap), coaster step
45, 46, 47&48Step on right foot, kick left foot forward (clap), coaster step
Rock, recover, turn shuffle ½ right, rock, recover, sailor step ¼ turn left
49, 50,51 &52Step forward on right, recover on left, shuffle ½ right
53, 54, 55&56Step forward on left, recover on right, sweep left foot ¼ left. Step left, right left
57-60Jazz Box – Cross right over left, step back on left, step right to right, step left next to right
61-64Jazz Box – Cross right over left, step back on left, step right to right, step left next to right
Start over – No Tags or Restarts!
For questions contact Gaylynn Brenoel 989-305-2959
E-mail: gbrenoel@hotmail.com