Sec 1 Cross rock, side rock, back lock back, coaster step.
1-2Cross right over left, recover to left.
3-4Rock right to right, recover to left.
5&6Step back right, lock left over right, step back right.
7&8Step back left, right together, forward left. (12.00)
Sec 2 Point right to right, turn ½ right stepping right next to left, point left to left, step left together. (Monterey turn) Repeat.
1-2Point right to right, turn ½ right stepping right next to left.
3-4Point left to left, step left next to right. (Weight to left) (6.00)
5-6-7-8Repeat counts 1-4 finishing facing (12.00)
Sec 3 Kick, kick, coaster step, rock recover, sailor ¼ turn.
1-2Kick right forward twice.
3&4Step back right, left together, forward right.
5-6Rock forward left, recover to right.
7&8Turn ¼ left sweeping left behind, recover to right, step left to left. (9.00)
Sec 4 Rock recover, shuffle back, coaster step, walk, walk.
1-2Rock forward right, recover to left.
3&4Step back right, left together, step back right.
5&6Step back left, right together, forward left.
7-8Walk forward right, left. (9.00)
No Tags, No Restarts. I think the message in this song sums it all up at this difficult time for everyone “ One for all and all for one”
Keep dancing in your hearts we will all be back together soon.
Contact: heelanjohnl@gmail.com
1-2Cross right over left, recover to left.
3-4Rock right to right, recover to left.
5&6Step back right, lock left over right, step back right.
7&8Step back left, right together, forward left. (12.00)
Sec 2 Point right to right, turn ½ right stepping right next to left, point left to left, step left together. (Monterey turn) Repeat.
1-2Point right to right, turn ½ right stepping right next to left.
3-4Point left to left, step left next to right. (Weight to left) (6.00)
5-6-7-8Repeat counts 1-4 finishing facing (12.00)
Sec 3 Kick, kick, coaster step, rock recover, sailor ¼ turn.
1-2Kick right forward twice.
3&4Step back right, left together, forward right.
5-6Rock forward left, recover to right.
7&8Turn ¼ left sweeping left behind, recover to right, step left to left. (9.00)
Sec 4 Rock recover, shuffle back, coaster step, walk, walk.
1-2Rock forward right, recover to left.
3&4Step back right, left together, step back right.
5&6Step back left, right together, forward left.
7-8Walk forward right, left. (9.00)
No Tags, No Restarts. I think the message in this song sums it all up at this difficult time for everyone “ One for all and all for one”
Keep dancing in your hearts we will all be back together soon.
Contact: heelanjohnl@gmail.com