CopperKnob Stepsheets

Page Image George 156080
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Any Song

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BaeJungHo (KOR) & S.E.A of love (KOR) - March 2020
Any Song (아무 노래) - ZICO (지코)
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Sequence : AA AA AA, BB, AA, BB, Ending
Intro: 16 counts

PART A (32 count)
Sec 1: Side Rock, Recover,Sailor 2X
1-2-3&4Step L Side Rock , Recover R,Cross LF behind RF, RF to the R, LF to the L
5-6-7&8Step R Side Rock , Recover L,Cross RF behind LF, LF to the L, RF to the R

Sec 2: Diagonal Walk, Walk, Heel out-in-out, Back.Back, square Coaster
1-2-3&4Step L,R Diagonal Forward(1:30), Touch Heel LF. With Toe out-in-out,
5-6-7&8Step L,R Back,Back(1:30), square Step L back, step R together, step L forward(12:00)

Sec 3: Diagonal Walk, Walk, Heel out-in-out, Back.Back, square Coaster
1-2-3&4Step R,L Diagonal Forward(10:30), Touch Heel RF.With Toe out-in-out,
5-6-7&8Step R,L Back,Back(10:30), square Step R back, step L together, step R forward(12:00)

Sec 4: Forward Walk,Walk.1/4L Run,Run,Run,V Step,Forward, Touch
1-2-3&4Step L,R forward Walk,Walk,1/4L L,R,L small Run.Run,Run(9:00)
5&6& 7-8Step R forward out, Step L forward out, Step R back in, Step L next to R. Step R forward, Touch L beside R

PART B (32 count)
Sec 1: Forward Walk,Walk,Out,Out,In,Cross,Side,Cross,1/2R,Run,Run,Run
1-2&3&4Step L,R Forward Walk,Walk,Step L out, Step R out, Step L back in, Step R Ceoss
&5-6-7&8Step L side, Step R Cross, In place 1/2 R Turn, Step Forward small Run,Run,Run, R-L-R

Sec 2: Sec1- Repeat

Sec 3: Traveling Diagonal Walk with Body Bounce 4X
1-2-3-4Step L Diagonal forward,with Body bounce(1-2),Step R Diagonal Same Action(3-4)
5-6-7-8Step L Diagonal forward,with Body bounce(5-6),Step R Diagonal Same Action(7-8)

Sec 4: Forward Rock, Recover,Together 2X, Small Back,Back,Back, Back,Touch
1&2Step L forward Rock, Recover R, Step L beside R,
3&4Step R forward Rock ,Recover L, Step R beside L,
5&6Small Back,Back,Back,Step L-R-L
7-8Rock R back, Recover Touch L.

S.E,A of love (Eun Ah)-Younglinedance:

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