Low Intermediate
1 Restart - after 16 counts on wall 6
Sec. 1 R & L Diag. Toe Struts, Rock, Rec., R Step R, Hold
1 - 2R toe strut R fwd diag lifting/pushing R hip fwd, set R heel down (12:00)
3 - 4L toe strut L fwd diag lifting/pushing L hip fwd, set L heel down
5 - 6R rock behind L, recover, crouching down with hands out to sides and looking down beginning to raise arms
7 - 8R step R, hold
(Chorus - when words "Here And Now" are sung, look down, palms facing fwd, begin to raise hands, look up)
Sec. 2 Step, Hold, 1/4 R Pivot, Hold, Vaudeville
9 - 12L step fwd, hold, 1/4 R pivot, hold (3:00)
13 - 16L cross over R, R step R, L heel touch L diag fwd, L step beside R
(Restart here on wall 6)
Sec. 3 Vaudeville, L Step Fwd, Turn 1/4 R
17 - 20R cross over L, L step L, R heel touch diag fwd, R step beside L
21 - 24L step fwd, hold, turn 1/4 R, hold (6:00)
Sec. 4 L Step Back, R Step Together, Swizzle Step L Fwd, Bounce On Heels 3 Times Turning 1/4 R
25 - 28L step back, R step beside L, lift L heel and R toe and twist to R, center
29 - 32L step fwd, bounce on heels 3 times turning 1/4 R (9:00)
Sec. 5 R Vine, Low Hitch & Turn 1/4 R, L Vine, R Scuff (Raise hands to sides only on chorus - when Kenny sings "Here and Now" )
33 - 36R step R, L step behind R, R step R, hitch/raise L foot just off floor turning 1/4 R (12:00)
37 - 40L step L, R step behind L, L step L, R scuff beside L
Sec. 6 Slow Jazz Box
41 - 48R step across L, hold, L step back, hold, R step R, hold, L step beside R, hold
Sec. 7 Twist Heels R L R, Hold, L Coaster, Hold
49 - 56Twist Heels R L R, hold, L step back, R step beside L, L step fwd, hold
Sec. 8 1/4 R Monterey, L Step Diag Back, Hold, R Heel Drag
57 - 60R toes tap R, R step beside L turning 1/4 R, L toes tap L, L tap beside R (3:00)
61 - 62L step back L diag, hold
63 - 64R heel drag back to L foot on 2 counts
Ending: Section 8 will begin facing 6:00 and end facing 9:00 To end the dance facing 12:00 ---
61 - 63Step L back diag, (omit hold) drag R to L (2 counts)
64Turn to 12:00 and stomp R forward with palms facing forward (12:00)
Begin Again. Hope you enjoy this peppy dance and music.
Contact Info - - Arlene Jones - - aajones0348@yahoo.com
Last Update: 28 May 2022
Sec. 1 R & L Diag. Toe Struts, Rock, Rec., R Step R, Hold
1 - 2R toe strut R fwd diag lifting/pushing R hip fwd, set R heel down (12:00)
3 - 4L toe strut L fwd diag lifting/pushing L hip fwd, set L heel down
5 - 6R rock behind L, recover, crouching down with hands out to sides and looking down beginning to raise arms
7 - 8R step R, hold
(Chorus - when words "Here And Now" are sung, look down, palms facing fwd, begin to raise hands, look up)
Sec. 2 Step, Hold, 1/4 R Pivot, Hold, Vaudeville
9 - 12L step fwd, hold, 1/4 R pivot, hold (3:00)
13 - 16L cross over R, R step R, L heel touch L diag fwd, L step beside R
(Restart here on wall 6)
Sec. 3 Vaudeville, L Step Fwd, Turn 1/4 R
17 - 20R cross over L, L step L, R heel touch diag fwd, R step beside L
21 - 24L step fwd, hold, turn 1/4 R, hold (6:00)
Sec. 4 L Step Back, R Step Together, Swizzle Step L Fwd, Bounce On Heels 3 Times Turning 1/4 R
25 - 28L step back, R step beside L, lift L heel and R toe and twist to R, center
29 - 32L step fwd, bounce on heels 3 times turning 1/4 R (9:00)
Sec. 5 R Vine, Low Hitch & Turn 1/4 R, L Vine, R Scuff (Raise hands to sides only on chorus - when Kenny sings "Here and Now" )
33 - 36R step R, L step behind R, R step R, hitch/raise L foot just off floor turning 1/4 R (12:00)
37 - 40L step L, R step behind L, L step L, R scuff beside L
Sec. 6 Slow Jazz Box
41 - 48R step across L, hold, L step back, hold, R step R, hold, L step beside R, hold
Sec. 7 Twist Heels R L R, Hold, L Coaster, Hold
49 - 56Twist Heels R L R, hold, L step back, R step beside L, L step fwd, hold
Sec. 8 1/4 R Monterey, L Step Diag Back, Hold, R Heel Drag
57 - 60R toes tap R, R step beside L turning 1/4 R, L toes tap L, L tap beside R (3:00)
61 - 62L step back L diag, hold
63 - 64R heel drag back to L foot on 2 counts
Ending: Section 8 will begin facing 6:00 and end facing 9:00 To end the dance facing 12:00 ---
61 - 63Step L back diag, (omit hold) drag R to L (2 counts)
64Turn to 12:00 and stomp R forward with palms facing forward (12:00)
Begin Again. Hope you enjoy this peppy dance and music.
Contact Info - - Arlene Jones - - aajones0348@yahoo.com
Last Update: 28 May 2022