CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Whiskey's Gone

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Novice Lilt
Kerly Luige (EST) - March 2019
Whiskey's Gone - Zac Brown Band
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R side-rock, Weave to left, L side-rock with a flick 1/4 to right, L shuffle forward
1, 2Rock right to right side, recover weight on left
3&4Step right behind left, step left to left side, step right across left
5, 6Rock left to left side, recover weight on right turning 1/4 to right and flicking left foot (3:00)
7&8Step left forward, step together with right, step left forward

R rock-step with 1/2 turn, Full-turn with R, L, Steps forward R, L, R pivot-turn 1/2 to left
1, 2Rock right forward, recover weight on left turning 1/2 to right (9:00)
3, 4Step right forward, step left back turning 1/2 to right (3:00)
5, 6Step right forward turning 1/2 to right (9:00), step left forward
Note: even though the individual steps tell to turn on counts 2, 4, and 5, you should angle your body and direction so that you already make the first 1/2 turn on count 2, then make the full turn on steps 3 and 4 and are already moving forward towards 9 o’clock with steps 5 and 6
7, 8Step right forward, make 1/2 turn to left (3:00) ending weight on left foot

R shuffle to R diagonal, L shuffle to L diagonal, 2x R pivot-turn 1/2
1&2Step right forward 1/8 to right (4:30), step together with left, step right forward
3&4Step left forward 1/4 to left (1:30), step together with right, step left forward
5, 6Step right forward 1/8 to right (3:00), make 1/2 turn to left ending weight on left foot (9:00)
7, 8Step right forward, make 1/2 turn to left ending weight on left foot (3:00)

R across L, L to side, R sailor-step, L across right, R to right side, L behind R & unwind-turn 1/2
1, 2Step right across left, step left to left side
3&4Step right behind left, step left to left side, step right to right side
5, 6Step left across right, step right to right side
7, 8Step left behind right, unwind 1/2 to left (9:00) ending with weight on left

RESTARTS: During walls 3 (facing 9:00) and 6 (facing 6:00) dance the first eight counts and then restart

TAG: After wall 10 (facing 6:00) there is a tag:
1, 2, 3, 4Stomp right foot in place, hold for three counts
5, 6, 7, 8Stomp left foot in place, hold for three counts
9, 10, 11, 12Stomp right foot in place, hold for three counts
13, 14, 15, 16Stomp left foot in place, hold for one count, stomp right foot twice in place

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