CopperKnob Stepsheets

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When I Get Where I'm Going (aka Cora's Dance)

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Phrased Intermediate
Judy Baldak - January 2020
This unique dance is a special tribute to one of our beloved and precious dancers who gained her wings on January 7, 2020. Cora may have lost her battle (in earthly terms), but she won the war (in Heavenly terms). She’s dancing with Jesus now….. (I’ll join you one day on that glorious dance floor, Cora!!!!) Thank you to Herb and Kathy Dula for their inspiration with the song.

Part A=22 cts; Part B=24 cts; Part C=22 cts
Sequence: A, A, B, B+, A, Tag, B, B+, C, A, Tag, B, B, B(8 cts)
#16 ct intro, weight on LF

Part A (22cts):
Section 1 (6cts): Basic NC2 Right, NC2 Left with ¼ turn L, step, ½ turn L
1-2&Step side RF(1), rock LF behind RF(2), recover to RF(&)
3-4&Step side LF(3), RF behind(4), turn ¼ L stepping forward on LF(&)
5-6Step forward on RF(5), turn ½ L weight on LF(6)

Section 2 (6cts): Cross rock, recover, side, cross, side, ¼ turn L, cross, side
1-2&Cross RF over LF(1), recover to LF(2), step RF to side(&)
34&Cross LF over RF(3), step RF to side(4), turn ¼ L stepping on LF(&)
5-6Cross RF over LF(5), Step LF to side(6)

Section 3 (10cts): Back, recover, shuffle ¼, step ½ turn shuffle forward, ½ turn, ¾ turn
1-2Rock RF behind LF(1), Recover to LF(2)
3&4Shuffle R-L-R turning ¼ to R(3&4),
5-6Step forward on L(5), turn R ½ stepping forward on R(6)
7&8Shuffle forward L-R-L(7&8)
9-10Turning ½ L step back on R(9), Turning ½ L step forward on left(10), and finish with another ¼ turn L to lead into next count

Part B (24cts):
Section 1: Side rock, recover, crossing shuffle, sweep, step, hinge turn L
1-2Rock RF to R(1), recover to LF(2)
3&4Cross RF over LF(3), step on LF(&), cross RF over LF(4)
5-6Sweep LF around in front of RF(5), step down on LF(6)
7-8Making ¼ turn to L step back on RF(7), Making ¼ turn to L step LF to side(8)

Section 2: Step, lift, behind-side-cross, side, ¼ turn, walk, walk
1-2Step RF diagonal forward(1). Lift LF(2)
3&4Step LF behind RF(3), RF side(&), LF across RF(4)
5-6Step RF side(5), turn ¼ L stepping forward on LF
7-8Walk RF(7), walk LF(8)

Section 3: Mambo ½, triple ½, coaster step, walk, touch (in B+ this 8 cts is repeated)
1&2Rock forward on RF(1), recover to LF(&), turn ½ to R stepping onto LF(2)
3&4Triple ½ R turn L-R-L(3&4)
5&6Step back on RF(5), LF together(&), step forward on RF
7-8Step forward on LF(7), touch R toe beside LF(8)

Part C (22cts)
Section 1: Figure 8 vines
1-2Step RF to R side(1), LF behind RF(2)
3-4Making ¼ R turn step forward on RF(3), step forward on LF(4)
5-6Turn ½ R stepping forward on RF(5), turn ¼ R stepping LF to side(6)
7-8Step RF behind LF(7), step LF to side(8)

Section 2: Cross rock, recover, shuffle side, cross rock recover, shuffle side
1-2Cross RF over LF(1), recover to LF(2)
3&4Shuffle to R side R-L-R(3&4)
5-6Cross LF over RF(5). Recover to RF(6)
7&8Shuffle to L side L-R-L(7&8)

Section 3 (6 cts): Jazzbox cross, and cross
1-2Cross RF over LF(1), step back on LF(2)
3-4Step RF side(3), Step LF across RF(4)
5-6Step RF side(5), Step LF across RF(6)

*On two B+ walls, simply repeat last 8 counts.

*4 count Tag happens twice in dance at end of Part A
1-2-3-4Sway R-L-R-L

*End dance: dance first 8 cts of Part B and end on front wall on LF touching R toe forward.

I hope you enjoy dancing this as much as I enjoyed creating it from my heart for all of Cora’s dance family

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